Myths of Sex!

While talking to a lot of teenagers, especially couples, on what they think about sex and their doubts, we found out various myths related to it. We believe, on sensitive topics like sex, one should have complete information, because we know “Half-truth is as good as a lie.” So, we looked-out for 10 common myths of sex to find out, what is myth and what is true.
For this, we asked renowned Sexologist, Dr. Vinod Raina, who has been practicing as sexologist since a long time and has won a lot of prestigious awards in his field. He has been awarded with- Dr.B.R.Ambedkar, Seva Ratna Award 2012 for best sexologist, Time Research Media- Health Care Excellence Awards 2013, Global Health Care Excellence award 2013 and so on.
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So below are the myths and the actual truth, according to the Dr. Raina, about them:
1) Longer sex is always better sex
Dr. Raina: This is not a myth, this is actual truth. In process of sex, most important factors are foreplay and mood of your partner. In some cases males need more comfort and relaxation. For erection, they need more energy, more attention. Men’s desires and lust gets over with ejaculation, whereas a female needs more time for satisfaction. Therefore, a normal intercourse takes time around 25 to 45 minutes, whereas a complete sexual act should take between 1 hour to 1 hour 30minutes for complete satisfaction to both, men and women.
2) Fantasizing about someone else means that you don’t fancy who you are with anymore:
Dr. Raina: It’s totally a myth. It’s believed that there are numbers of fantasies with males but nowadays even female’s fantasizes. Usually, when a male partner have sex with a single partner for longer time the level of hormones that rises desire for sex in them, goes down. Exciting your partner is important for keeping a good relation of sex; otherwise it is very common for any one among the pair, to fantasize about someone else. But it is very important to know that it is not intentional, but only to be active in sexual process. So, in this situation a woman have to be more responsible.
3) 100% guaranteed that you won’t get pregnant during your periods
Dr. Raina: Probably it is true, but there is no proof for it. But then if one wants to have sex it is advisable to do with precautions/protection. And this fact would depend on the female’s menstruation cycle.
4) Condoms are 100% safe
Dr. Raina: They are not 100% safe, but at least you have protection. If you are having sex with condoms, you are protected from STD’s, HIV etc. Especially a woman should be more careful about it. A lot of women think sex without condom is pleasurable but this is a BIG myth.
Also, if a woman is involved with multiple partners my suggestion would be Copper-T, but not hormone tablets, because that would lead to disturbed cycle and pregnancy complications in future. In addition to it women could gain weight, maturity on face or any other complication.
5) Men think about sex more than women:
Dr. Raina: In India, yes. Our society is such that one cannot talk much about sex openly. So, in such scenario there is no satisfaction sexually in women.
6) You can’t catch STD’s from oral sex
Dr. Raina: Of course, one can. If a lady is suffering from Syphillis, HIV, Wats, Harpis etc and a man is satisfying her through oral sex, then there are 100 % chances of transmission of these diseases to male partner and same is the case for females. And also one must know that birth controls have NO ROLE IN AVOIDING STD’s.
7) There are position that can lead to birth of a male child:
Dr. Raina: It’s a myth. A male is solely responsible for giving birth to a male child, A WOMAN HAS NO ROLE IN IT. It’s totally a game of chromosomes. A man contains of XY chromosome, and a woman contains XX chromosomes. So, whenever a zygote is formed, if an X comes with X it’s a female. And if X comes with Y it’s a male. But if we improve quality of sperms in males, there are chances for baby boy. But positions have NO role in making of a baby boy.
8) You can tell by looking if you or someone else has an STD:
Dr. Raina: STD’s are identifiable but by looking at someone one can never tell if someone has STD or not.
9) You can tell by looking if a woman is virgin:
Dr. Raina: It is a myth. One cannot tell if a female is virgin or not by looking, until unless she is not examined, that too intra-vaginal checkup.
10) Mating between cousins creates genetic nightmare.
Dr. Raina: A couple with same DNA formation would definitely have kids with deformity. So, genetically it is not advisable to mate with cousins, it does create genetic nightmare.
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