Most popular online games of 2016

Virtual World engulfing the minds of youth, here are most popular online games of 2016
Youth these days is more involved in the virtual world than real life. Either it is social media or online games they almost keep themselves busy in the virtual world. Year 2016 was high on games, and it kept the youth fascinated throughout the year. Let us have a look at few of the most popular online games of 2016, which got the boys addicted to them:
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
This digital collectable card game developed by Blizzard Entertained in 2014 experienced a great amount of support by youth this year and is expected to become the most played game in the coming years. Hearthstone is a free online game with unlimited paid content. The game is available to be played Android, Windows and iOS platforms.

Pokémon Go
This location based augmented reality game has fascinated most youth with its unique concept. It reminds the youngsters of their once favorite cartoon, Pokémon. This free to game is developed by Niantic is available on iOS and Android platforms. This game released not a long time ago uses GPS to locate, capture and train the virtual creatures called Pokémon just like the cartoon series.
Counter Strike: Global Offensive
This first-shooter online game is the fourth game in the Counter-Strike franchise. Developed by Valve Corporation and Hidden Path Entertainment is one of the most played games in the world. This game released in 2012 is available in the form of video as well. It is available for Windows, iOS and Android platforms.

World of Tanks
This multi-player online game is played all over the world by youngsters. It provides the experience of battlefield where fight takes place among the tanks. The game has also grabbed a spot in Guinness Book of World Records for Most Players Online Simultaneously on one MOG Server in 2013.
Clash of Clans
This MMO strategy online game is one of the most popular games in boys. It provides the players an opportunity to build their own town or clans in virtual world by fighting other players. This interesting games developed by Supercell is available for Android and iOS platforms.