Meditation: Self Realization

Meditation: Self Realization
Many of us are familiar with this word meditation, we know what does it means. As being Indian, meditation is not a new term for us. The word, ‘meditation’ finds its origin in Rig Veda and is still prevalent in us like a gift from our ancestors. It is a boon to the world given by Indians, still how many of us really know what meditation is?
Meditation is the process to balance the soul and body. As Rig Veda states, “to obtain Indra (grace) meditate”. This line explains how meditation is important to build a positive aura. It gives you strength and develops your positive attitude.
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Meditation is a practice in which an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit or as an end in itself. Meditation is an ambiguous term, its meaning may vary from person to person. For some it may be like reaching to the spiritual power while for others, it may be a total healing of their depression or sadness or simply, a form of praying.
The origin of meditation is found in Vedas and then it is believed to spread into the world with the widespread of Buddhism. When the Japanese adopted the Buddhism, the Buddhist meditation also came to limelight and now, meditation is being practiced all over the world. In cases of mental sickness and depression, meditation proves to be the best healer.
“Meditation is the means of unification of the subject and object. Meditate.” As swami Vivekananda said meditation is not to reach the higher hierarchy but to reach the level of zero where you will not differentiate between what is good and what is bad rather it won’t affect you anymore. Meditation does not makes you strong to resist anything or any feeling, it just makes you unaffected. The best thing about meditation is, it does not require any particular religion for meditating.
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How to meditate?
Most of you think you are doing it wrong way. Aren’t you? Like any other thing, meditation also needs practice but meditating is not complex as people thinks. First of all, posture is important in meditating. Sit with straight back, cross your legs in Vajra position. Put your right hand on left hand palm facing upwards. According to Buddhist theory, the left hand symbolizes wisdom and right hand symbolizes method and both together symbolizes union of method and wisdom. Avoid outer distractions, meditation can be done anywhere, any place and anytime. There is no hard and fast rule for meditating but few directions should be practiced to avoid the hindrance as a beginner. It is hard to concentrate in the beginning to attain ‘zero thought level’. So, peaceful environment is preferred for practicing. Sit in comfortable position, close your eyes, breathe, have a clear mind and avoid thinking anything at that moment. Meditation are of different forms, you can meditate with chanting mantras, concentrate on your body parts, first concentrate on a particular part of your body, start with navel. Try to do the meditation daily on a fixed time.
Why meditate?
Meditation helps in many things, it is the best stress booster as meditation creates a positive aura around the person and keeps boosting the positive charge. It improves health and leads you to maintain a healthy, stress-free and happy life and enhances positive thinking. It improves the memory and helps to reduce anxiety. Meditation also helps in maintaining the focus, if you want to increase your memory.
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Types of meditation:
There are different forms of meditation in which a person feels relax and get to know themselves. However, the most common form of meditation done are as follows:-
Mindfulness Meditation– It is almost a flow type of meditation, because you literally just let your mind be fluid and flow from one thought to the next, not really focusing on one particular thing.
Spiritual Meditation– This meditation is like communicating with god, just like other styles, you must be calm and quiet and then begin focusing on a question or a problem you are undergoing.
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Movement Meditation– Sit with your eyes closed, focus on your breath and try out different repetitive flowing movements. Rather than focusing on a sound, object, or a thought, just concentrate on your movement.
Mantra Meditation– It may seem odd to make any type of noises during a meditation session, but it is actually done to concentrate on sound rather than anything else. In yoga, the mantra Om is regularly used since it delivers a deep vibration that makes it easy for the mind to concentrate on that particular sound.
Many of the great souls have practiced meditation and as mentioned, it is a way to know the highest power and to know themselves. Meditation gives you a wonderful opportunity to explore within yourself and also, helps you to discover what you are born for, which makes your life meaningful, ultimately helping you to lead a happier life and also help in radiating happiness in others.
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