Google’s “Great Annual Sale Festival” was a much awaited and anticipated event by people all over the globe. This year’s Flipkart sale led their server to go down as there were so many consumers trying to get in the queue for their products. Not just during these grand sales, but even otherwise the various online stores thrive as their sales are skyrocketing instantly. All their success can be attributed to the tendency of whimsical and spur-of-the-moment shopping sprees that we all venture out on.
Bouncing between BrandsSource
What fuels this desire to shop incessantly, sometimes even unnecessarily? Are you too a victim of impulse shopping? Do you find yourself ordering products which you know you’ll hardly ever use? Is it common for you to feel guilty after you’ve just indulged in a pointless yet extravagant shopping spree?
We decided to investigate into this nature of human psyche that once tempted we find it difficult to resist that temptation. There are many psychological reasons behind this indulgent behavior. Lack of self-control is one of the major reasons. Our brain responds to attractive stimuli and hence fancy packaging of products exaggerating their attractiveness and utility leads us to making purchases instantly.
Shopping Fever!Source
Most sellers sell their products either by increasing the product’s appeal or by slashing the prices making the product seem striking. The product placement is also a smart marketing trick that sellers employ where they place suggestions of other products alongside the one you’re currently buying which makes the consumers too spoilt for choice and they end up buying more than one product. This trick is employed not just by online stores but even in super markets and stores where they place the products of daily use at the end of the aisle and by the time the consumers reach there they have already spotted a number of other products they never intended to buy, but they end up buying regardless.
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Another prominent reason is the emotional state of the buyer which plays an important role. Retail therapy is popular among those who have pent up emotions inside them. The lure of sales and the sense of ownership that shopping offers them seems like a necessary respite. Overcoming this allure becomes even more difficult when they provide a sense of temporary pleasure.Snigdha Malik, a 20-year old college-going student says, “I have downloaded the apps of various stores on my smartphone and though I regret profusely later, the moment I’m stressed I log onto these apps to escape the stress for a while and end up buying a host of clothes and shoes.”
What fuels this desire to shop incessantly is the ease of purchase that accompanies it. With a simple swipe of a card or simply entering a short pin you can own the fabulous products you aspire. This invisible money sheds off pressure from the minds of the buyers as they don’t really see the money being taken away.
Sale sign creates a frenzySource
Though it is absolutely true that online shopping has added comfort and convenience to our shopping needs and hence deserves its necessary credit. However, as with all technologies, it isn’t the technology so much that is at fault but our tendencies to resist the temptations of misusing it. It all boils down to one’s capacity of self-control as an assortment of choices are always at your disposal. How you choose to navigate through this labyrinth of temptations determines the consequences.
Sale Craze!Source
While self-control can be acquired through rigorous practice, it is seem that some individuals possess more self-control than others and a study of these individuals help us appreciate the need for self-control in life. One such study, published in the February issue of the journal on Personality and Individual Differences, suggests that people who successfully resist temptation consciously make an effort to avoid situations in which their self-control may be compromised. It should be noted that it isn’t overcoming temptation that is being highlighted here, but the ability to consciously avoid situations. Effective self-control is directly associated with a happier and healthier lifestyle.
So, here are a few practical tips that you can employ next time the allure of shopping incenses your mind and senses:
• Eat a block of chocolate right before shopping: Believe it or not, this actually helps! Our brain capitalizes on this glucose to fuel self-control. So the next time you fear a shopping spree coming on, pop a piece of chocolate and soothe your impulses.
• Cool-off: Whenever the prospect of a hot purchase strikes you, take some time to cool off. The suggested amount of time is 20 minutes. Re-evaluate your desire and need to buy the product that you are going to.
• Say No To Plastic Money: Avoid using your debit/credit cards wherever possible. The feeling that washes over you when real money leaves your palms is chilling enough for many people to apply brakes onto their indulgences.
• Calculating Efforts: Next time an extravagant purchase lures you, pause and think about the number of hours and amount of effort you put in for the amount of money the product demands. If it seems like a justifiable purchase, go for it! However, in most cases, it helps making people become more sensible about the money they are investing.
• Untangle Need Confusions: Assess first if you’re hungry, thirsty or simply tired because our brain sometimes misinterprets needs and you end up making a big purchase when all you needed was a satisfying meal.
Spoilt for ChoiceSource
These simple tricks would help you monitor your purchases and train your brain in interpreting what’s important and what’s not! However, the art of self-control is something that requires deeper self-reflection and monitoring. It is highly recommended for all to acquire this essential quality which elevates one’s lifestyle tremendously.