‘Love’- The most misunderstood word of this era!

“Love is never perfect, it’s our responsibility to drag our Mr./Ms. Left to our right to make them stick to us forever.”
In the desire of getting everything in a one go, our generation has forgotten how to love someone. In fact most of us even don’t know the difference between ‘infatuation and love’.
In the era of technology where everything starts from phone conversation and ends at blocking each other, ‘Emotions’ have become like clothes, which go out of trend after sometime.
Love, Emotions
Love is something which satiates our soul but sadly this word is now – a – days used for instant gratification because we are now in the habit of getting everything instantly.
In between all this either some of us enjoy our fake relationships or we simply say no to relationships.
Making love is not actually love because having multiple partners, leaves us numb at the end, which means we stop feeling.
For most of us love is a game, where we love to chase other person and once it ends, everything ends. Interestingly, our generation also runs away from responsibility. We get into a relationship, exchange expensive gifts, make love but when it comes to admitting we step back and that has really spoiled the beauty of love.
The purest feeling
You might observe this transition in our movies also. There was a time, when love was shown as a gradual process but now – a –days it’s all about first meeting, date and then making love. I am not comparing, I am just trying to describe romance.
Why DDLJ is still an example of epic romance? Just because it described love in such a way that it conquered million of hearts.
Tinder, happn will never make it happen because love happens when we want it to happen and for that we have to leave behind our fears of getting dumped or getting labeled.
We listen to everyone but we don’t listen to our hearts, the one who always says truth. So leave behind your fears and make it happen. Feel the most beautiful feeling of this world.