Loss of eyesight one of the worst ailment: Study

Loss of eyesight is now been considered as a worst ailment compared to various other conditions like loss of limb, hearing, memory, or speech, a recent study has revealed.
As per study published in the journal Ophthalmology by JAMA, the researchers have further analysed the results of an online poll of almost 2,044 adults with an average age of 46, which included non-Hispanic white individuals and also some minority groups to understand the importance and awareness of eye health.
Among those population, 63 per cent has reported to be wearing glasses while on the other side 88 per cent believed that the good vision is vital to an overall health and 47 per cent was rated losing vision as the worst possible health outcome.
Loss of Eyesight one of worst ailment
When asked about the various possible consequences of the vision loss, quality of life has ranked as the top concern followed by the loss of independence.
Over two-thirds of the respondents were aware of cataracts (66 per cent) or the glaucoma (63 per cent); only half were also aware of macular degeneration; 37 per cent were further aware of diabetic retinopathy; and over 25 per cent were not aware about any of the eye conditions.
Which implies that approximately 76 per cent and 58 per cent, respectively, have identified sunlight and family heritage as the risk factors for losing vision; although only half were aware of smoking risks on vision loss.