Live in the miracle…

Won’t it be nice to live in a life of abundance and plenty? Plenty of Health, money, love, relations, and so on. It is all very easy and simple to say, but for the majority, a pipe dream.
In fact, for most, it would be a miracle – often heard of, but seldom experienced, to just have even two of the wish list. Forget the rest. To contemplate a life full of miracles is again wishful thinking, for many people don’t experience even one miracle.
True or False?
A lot of you must be thinking True, but surprise, surprise! The answer is False. Yes, you heard me correct…. FALSE.
The first myth buster – our very existence, our being alive with a functional body and brain is in itself a Miracle. For the human body to even stand is in itself, is a big miracle. Technically, we should be on all fours. We all know there are no coincidences, yet our lives on mother Earth is one of the biggest miracle. Having all the right conditions to live, think, grow and nurture, to be able to create intelligent civilizations, the examples are numerous to elucidate in this short article. Yet, the proof is incontrovertible.
You will now say Ho Hum. Tell me something new; something, which I do not know something, which I do not take for Granted.
GRANTED – This is the operative word. In our lives, we see, meet and hear about all the wonderful people who have good health, immeasurable wealth, a loving spouse (or a series thereof), family, position in society, etc.
For a lot of these achievers, their lifestyles are now a ‘Granted’, yet for most this is a fairy tale existence. So, what is the differentiator between you and them? Why can’t your life be like theirs?
Simple. The mindset. If you ask the biggest achievers about their ‘Success Formula’, the answer will be – The Mindset. These amazing achievers constantly live in the realm of Infinite Possibilities, believing and living with the knowledge that their lives are already abundant, and that more such opportunities will constantly present themselves to them. They steer clear of drama, and work with plan A, plan B, plan C, plan D, and so on, till their belief and conviction of being Abundant is realized.
As discussed in the previous article – Gratitude is the key to opening Infinite Doors to Abundance by me, the Universe is our dearest friend, and gives us that what we already have. Working on vibrations, the Universe hears our thought energy and gives us that what we are asking for (by our thought vibrations) in the real world. So an emotion of lack will always beget lack, and plenty – plenty. So, tuning our thoughts into believing that we already are abundant – expressing Gratitude for what we have, will beget abundance.
So, simply put, Live in the Miracle of Abundance with An Abundance of Miracles, and live and experience the Magic!
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