Let’s Turn Her On!

“Oh no, I shouldn’t have done that!” this dialogue sounds similar isn’t? Guys have you been disappointed of moves that can’t make her go crazy for you or you attempted something that hasn’t worked well for your moods? Well for all you guys out there we have 5 things to tell you that can make your girl go crazy about you and spice up your special moments of love.
Listen to her: We understand how hard it is to listen to a girl, but trust us this is proven step. The more you seem interested in her talks, before and after your special bed moments, the more she will be happy to stay with you on bed for longer time. Hold her in arms, plant kisses on forehead and keep listening to what she says. Sometimes, interruption with her words she said for you long time back can work well, because some girls love it when guys remember what he means to her.
Always ask her what she wants: Before proceeding make sure you ask what she wants to do today. Never go against her mood. If you are high, then take small steps of making her arouse too. Some steps could be- playing with her, letting her sleep on your shoulder, tickling her on and around waist and so on.
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Know her G-spot: Well, this is very difficult but if you know little trick you will bang on reach on the top. Some girls like aggressive moves, some like slow moves down there, if you do the right way then it is easy to melt her and get on to the next step of making love to her.
Don’t underestimate your hands: trust us, more than anything, your hand can do magic’s on her body, mind and your moment too. Before going down there, touch her at places she likes. Well, all women are different so we cannot actually say touching where can make her moan for you, but yes some places like waist, neck, back, and butt are common spots of making her go ease and comfortable with you (Don’t forget talking plays the major role in making her comfy). The slower you are the better things would be.
Kiss her as much as you can: Kissing is something that you should be really really good at! If you cannot kiss her properly then every other step goes in vain. Have confidence and attitude that you are kissing to rip her clothes off. Kiss can actually make her take her clothes off, so guys you surely have to be careful!
Image Courtesy : www.jupiterimages.com
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