Opportunity to adorn oneself is quite human, and accessories are the best way to do it. With a distinctive idea of coming up with accessories made out of Junk, Tarang Agarwal stands out as a vibrant and passionate accessory designer, who surely is here to make a statement. One World News caught-up with the cool and funky designer to know more about her style and inspiration on such discrete ideas:
How did you start?
I always wanted to design something away from the common league. My basic idea has always been to invent rather than designing something that is already there. So one fine day, I thought of using any day-to-day material to design jewellery pieces.
What is the USP of your accessories?
The fact that they have been made up from recycled material, makes them stand out in the crowd.
How do you retail?
That is where my personal contacts come into play. Majority of my collections are custom made.
What inspires you?
Nothing on Earth is a waste, everything and anything can be put to use.
What has been the turning point of your life?
When I got selected in NIFT and got accessory design as my core subject.
How has been your experience so far?
Life is full of new challenges which come out of new interests and experiences. Thoughts should be executed not just to be dreamt about.
Tell us something about our agency ‘Fresh Face’?
‘Fresh Face’ is a modelling agency, solely run by me. We ascertain to give a platform to new faces in the modelling world.
Describe ‘Tarang’ ?
Tarang means ‘waves’. Tarang is someone who like a wave, loves coming up with new and challenging ideas. She creates the best out of them, leaving a lasting mark behind every effort.
What is the price range for your accessories?
They vary in between Rs500 to Rs2500.
What exactly is a model material for you?
A Model is someone who can carry her/his self well in any attire. Confidence and passion is something I seek instantly, and physical appearance does matter without a doubt.
What kind of stuff you use for making your accessories?
Nuts, bolts, safety pins, bottle caps, syringe caps, anything and everything can be put to use, depending on my concept of JUNK-o-Mania, which is “craziness for junk”.
Who is your favourite accessory designer?
Each & every creative and unique thinker is on my list.