Jaun Vishesh: Finding peace in painting

Jaun Vishesh: Finding peace in painting
Sometimes a painting can invoke a thousand thoughts and that is exactly what happens when you come across a Jaun Vishesh painting. If there are ten pieces of work by him, at least one or two would grab your attention for quite a long time, making you question your life to find peace and resonance within yourself. Jaun is one of those artists, who are adventurous enough to use multiple colors on a single canvas, without hampering the idea of the painting.
Jaun believes that colors of all hues can go together, unlike the popular belief that a good painting is sans of highly contrasting colors, and proves that each color can complement the other when placed correctly. Based on the same idea, his new abstract painting is an amalgamation of a lot of colors making it a refreshingly new piece. “You cannot bind colors with preconceived notions like this cannot go with that and so on. It depends on the thought with which you stroke the paint-brush on the canvas and everything is possible,” says Jaun.
Jaun has presented his art at a lot of group exhibitions, but now he wants to exhibit his art in a new light by unveiling his work to the public. So he, along with Isha Singh, accessory designer (a pass out from NIFT), got together two different aspects of art under the same name ‘Pastiche’. This project aims at spreading out the message that art can be found anywhere and is something that can be experimented with. Accessories were designed as an extension to the paintings, continuing the painting’s color and design scheme. The set-up was such that each item complimented the other. One of the most attractive items in the exhibition were the side-lamps or bed-lamps which were a perfect example of blending two different zones of art together, as these lamps could be seen as a huge canvas in day light and used as lamps at night.
Jaun gets his inspiration from anything and everything that grabs his attention, even good conversations! Jaun believes that his paintings express the kind of person he is, the people that he has met and the places that he has visited. “My paintings are very spontaneous and impulsive, not at all theme based. I have many paintings which are based on women and their various moods. In my recent show one witnessed the versatility ranging from the art-work of 2002 till now. It had multiple themes like religion, sexuality etc. There was a time when I was into spirituality and was pretty inspired by Osho, so some of my work also has a touch of spirituality.”
It is popularly claimed that dreams are observed in black and white, but Jaun believes that an artist always dreams in color. This thought of his is depicted through one of his paintings named ‘My conversations with the dreams’ which was created just a month before the exhibition.
After starting his craft using mix-media, Jaun moved on to work with oil, acrylic colors, textures etc. and as the time passed by he mastered himself in these forms “Pastiche is my first solo exhibition. We were not expecting such an amazing response from people. It was surprising to see that people who were not in touch with me for years took out time and came to the exhibition. Our feedback register was filled with compliments and appreciations. So yes, we are powered up for our next event and we are trying to promote our brand and create a platform for other artists who want to portray their work.”
Jaun says that he welcomes criticism from people and is open to suggestions on how to improve his art, “Though there are descriptions under each and every piece of my work, I am still open to new interpretations by people. An artist is successful only if he has made something that people can relate to.”
Self-taught artist, Jaun could never take art classes, not because he couldn’t but because he wanted to work in his own space, his own thoughts and without any pressure. ‘Do it my way’ is the mantra he follows. “Initially, we thought that people would assume that we are simply imitating other art forms as Pastiche literally means imitating art, but we are simply adopting each other’s art. My sister is designing artefacts inspired by my art and I am painting canvasses inspired by her designs. We wanted people to question about the name and wanted them to come to us so that we can define our work in our own way.”
Ending the conversation with One World News, Jaun expressed his views about how people ignore art and how art is just becoming an accessory to decorate one’s property. He believes that they should understand that art is a living thing and they should value it and get inspired from it. It is easy to say ‘No, it is bad!’ but one should realize the efforts put in every single canvas. “I have re-done many of my art-works which were created couple of years back. This shows that with time my whole conception or idea about something has changed. So it is feelings that I am putting into each of my pieces and I think people should appreciate an artist because he is not only giving you his art but also one of his life’s precious moments.”
For further details, contact Jaun Vishesh at 8800002362