It’s All About Passion

“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time”. – Thomas Merton
Following the idea of art described by Mr. Thomas Merton and representing the modern era of women, Renuka Sondhi Gulati, who is a contemporary artist, feels it is important to follow one’s passion to be happy in life and it is only through passion one can achieve success. For her art is an unending process of learning. She says the more she gets involved into it, the less she feels she knows about it.
Most of her works are women centric. When asked why, she answered “I find beauty in women, so I started experimenting. I have also made sculptures that showcase beautiful relationship between a man and a woman.”Interested in painting since childhood, Mrs.Gulati told One World News “Since I was a kid, I wanted to be a painter. I always used to visit museums and exhibitions. It is when I saw work of Amrita Shergil I was inspired to make a career out of my interest and passion. Later, I visited Delhi in 2004 to witness contemporary work and I decided to be a part of Triveni Kala Sangam to study art under the tutelage of Shri Sanjay Roy and Shri Rameshwar Broota. So, since 2006 I started learning about art and the process continues”.
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She is one of those who believe in competing with oneself rather than someone else. “I don’t look at others work. Whatever I feel, I put it into my work.” Her paintings are very relatable and realistic, but at the same time unrealistic because of the beauty she adds into each and every work of hers. What makes her work unique is her sense of texture, transparency and simplified paintings. In most of her works, one might come across white and red, being used as background. “I experimented a lot with colours, then I decided to keep simplified backgrounds like white which is very soothing to eyes, and red which brings out the art I want people to put their focus into.”
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Apart from being an artist, Mrs.Gulati is actively involved in social work too. One of the NGO’s she is associated with is ‘Care for Elderly’ which is initiated by her husband Sunil Kumar Gulati, IAS, Chief Vigilance Officer, Delhi Development Authority, to take care of elderly members of society.
Her latest collection carries a message that one can bring peace and prosperity if they forget the differences created by gender, religion etc. and pray, stay and come together as one power. “The Phoenix Women”, her recent work expresses and motivates women to pursue their ambitions in parallel to their responsibilities.