Is he good in bed?

Is he good in bed?
Fantasising is one of the best things we all do in the darkest hours of night, under our sheets and with closed eyes. We are sleeping for everyone else, but in reality, we are most awake. I know we all do that, no matter how much we deny in front of our partners or friends. And also, we always have a list in our mind about what our partner should be like. However, have we ever wondered about the kind of guy we choose depending on if he would be good in bed or not? Obviously, sexual satisfaction is one of the most important things for you and your partner as well. Let’s talk about some points that might help you to look in for the right partner in every sense.
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Pappu can’t dance sala:
No doubt, dance makes you flexible but it also lets you experiment with new moves and excite your partner to a level which he or she has not ever imagined. However, if your partner dances like some uncle who, in every marriage, does the same naagin dances then you should know where your night life is going to go. If your pappu can’t dance, then his PAPPU can’t do anything more than the usual stuff!
Lost in your eyes:
The most romantic and effective make-out is the one where your partner can look straight into your eyes, make your heart beat faster not just by looking at you but using his hands to excite your demons and has confidence to take you higher than the mountains.
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Whispering sweet and horny words in your ears will add to the fire. However, if your partner is too shy, even more shy than you, then probably your demon would prefer sleeping under the sheets rather than trying to ride him.
Show the talent to strip:
Every day it is you who strips yourself, not for someone else, but for your own self. However, if you are in bed with your partner, you surely don’t wish to take off clothes on your own. It depends on the talent of your partner that how he or she makes you go nude for them, without breaking the physical or emotional contact. One such talents is to open the bra in one go with one hand, using the other to arouse the lady. If you are with a partner who takes forever to open your bra strap then you know what’s going to happen in the rest of the game.
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Body odour, sexy or turn-off?
I don’t know how and why, but science has proved that girls get attracted to body odour (I feel like puking here, but yes that’s the truth) but if you are dating someone who sweats like a pig and smells so bad that you can’t even breathe around him then you should probably search for someone else or if you really love him then make-out with him only and only in bathroom with loads of shower-gel on both of you.
Oh yeah! Kiss me!
A passionate kiss is one of the biggest turn on for anyone around. Kiss is probably the most important parameter to know whether he or she is the right person for you or not. If you are with someone who kisses you like he or she never wants you to go and you want the kiss to never end then he or she is the one for you. This surely means there are a lot of things in store for you. But if you are with someone who kisses you as if you are a bone and he is a dog, then you should throw another bone in other direction and try to escape from the spot.
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Well, do let us know if these tips came in handy, will get some more interesting pointers in the next column, until then, enjoy yourself!
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