International Tea Day-15th December

From hibiscus to green tea, from chamomile to white tea, teas are enriched with flavonoids and many other health benefits.
Considered for thousand years in the eastern world as a great source of happiness, health and wisdom, tea has attracted the attention of experts in the western world who re-discovered a multitude of healthy benefits in different kinds of teas.
Teas are not only refreshing and mood enhancing; they help in heart ailments, cancer and diabetes, promote weight loss, reduce cholesterol and promote mental attentiveness.
What better than a steaming cup of tea to kick start your day? Tea is a refreshing beverage used in nearly all the households around the globe. Seeing the varied benefits of drinking tea, tea producing countries thought there is a need to dedicate a special tea day for its celebration.
The celebration of international tea day started from 2005 in tea producing nations. On 15th December 2005, the first International Tea Day was observed in New Delhi while the second Tea Day was celebrated on 15th December 2006 in Sri Lanka.
15th December is globally observed as International Tea Day particularly in the tea producing nations. The main aim of celebrating tea day is to draw concern and attention towards the plight of tea workers and small growers.
In India tea stakeholders involving small tea producers and trade unions identify tea day as an occasion to highlight their rights regarding wages, living conditions and livelihood.
International Tea Day is envisaged as a joint platform of stakeholders of tea industry especially small growers and workers in the eleven tea producing countries of the world namely; Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam, Malaysia, Malawi, Bangladesh, Indonesia, India, Kenya and Nepal.