International Anti-Corruption Day

Corruption is a global social, economic and political issue affecting all nations, races, communities and all spheres. Gone are the days when honesty used to be the best policy, nowadays the demon of corruption has shrouded people’s mind and their actions.
The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon believes, “Corruption is a barrier to achieving the Millennium Development Goals and needs to be taken into account in defining and implementing a robust post-2015 development agenda.”
9th December is observed as International Corruption Day in accordance with the United Nations declaration by 58/4 resolution-October 31, 2003.
The General Assembly on October 31, 2003 adopted the Convention against Corruption and forwarded unanimously the request for designation of ‘United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) as secretariat for the Convention’s Conference of States Parties’.
By observing this day, the United Nations General Assembly wishes to create awareness of corruption and its harsh impacts on people and society in general.
Corruption is responsible for stunting the economic growth of poor and middle classes. The Practice of giving and accepting bribes for promotions or appointments is a mere example of corruption prevailing in the society. Like termites, corruption has superseded every possible department and strata of governing bodies.
It therefore, becomes our duty not to indulge in corrupt practices in our conduct. Let us demolish the rising venom of corruption and make world a happy place for ourselves and for the future generation.