Joyous News

Instagram rolled out 2 – Factor Authentication

Finally Facebook owned Instagram has rolled out two- factor authentication (aka two factor verification) feature for users. The added feature will prevent hackers to log in to a user’s account even if they have the user name and password.


Notably, the feature will not be visible in Android or iOS apps in India for now. The two- factor authentication confirmed by instagram will work just like it does for any other app. As per the feature , an OTP (One Time Password) to a registered handset number, when user are trying to log in with their email and password .

Although, this is a major step taken by company to secure the account of the users but still it has to go a long to fix the privacy notification bug instagram for Android users

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Parul Srivastava

She likes to express herself through her write-ups. She doesn’t believe in doing different things but she enjoy doing things differently.
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