Hygienic Way of Peeing- PEE BUDDY

For all you women out there, One World News presents you an amazing product called ‘PEE BUDDY’. Now before you start wondering what this product is all about we would like to brief you about it.
We all know the status of public washrooms and the level of sanitation facilities available in India. Wherever you are, peeing and other such activity creates a lot of problems, especially for working women who have to travel a lot. Also, no matter if you are in a market, in a 5 star hotel, or secluded places every washroom is a big zone of danger for women, as females are easily prone to diseases. So this product, which is launched for the first time in India, is an excellent innovative product to help all females against a growing concern – UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) & other situations (specially Pregnancy/Arthritis).
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All one has to do is buy this product, follow the instructions as given on the instruction card inside the pack of the product and have a happy peeing experience wherever you go and throw the product after use. Now a woman does not need to adjust with unhygienic place and are free to stand and pee.
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