Huawei sued by Samsung over alleged patent violations

Samsung Electronics Co. has sued the Chinese Smartphone maker Huawei on charges of allegedly violating six of its patents in the latest move in the series of deepening patent disputes between the Asian Smartphone giants.
The South Korean company has said Friday that had took legal action to further defend its intellectual property despite the efforts to resolve the dispute amicably.
“At all times the company has tried to faithfully negotiate with other patent holders for further fair licensing of technology in order to ensure a fair competition and also continued growth in the industry,” the company said in an emailed statement.
Huawei sued by Samsung over alleged patent violations
Samsung would not reveal where the lawsuits are been filed or whether these lawsuits were related to mobile devices. South Korea’s Yonhap News has said that, the company Samsung has sued Huawei in Beijing for infringing on the patents for smartphones worth 80.05 million yuan ($12 million).
In May, Huawei had filed lawsuits against Samsung in the United States and China, accusing them of violating their 12 patents for mobile devices and also networks. Huawei demanded reasonable compensation but further did not seek a sales ban on Samsung mobile devices in the United States.
Samsung and Huawei are among of the two of the largest makers of Smartphones based on Google’s Android system. Samsung has been the world’s largest Smartphone supplier and Huawei stands third after Apple.