How to strike an effective conversation?Master this art like a Pro!

10 Essential Communication Ettiquetes you should be aware of!
Effective Communication is an art! But that doesn’t mean that everyone cannot master this art. Communication Skills are the basic skills that we all require to survive in this world. But the maximum number of people fail to communicate their words effectively to others. Well, no worries we have all had our moments with conversation etiquette mistakes.
But just because these conversation etiquette mistakes happen across the board does not mean they can not be avoided. All it takes is good judgment, a little maturity and a look at the most common conversation mistakes.

1.Changing the topic to suit your own interests: Everyone has their own conversation topics of choice — work, office gossip or just normal chit chats of the day. There is nothing wrong with having these topical preferences, just do not force them onto others. Let the conversation progress naturally; contribute where relevant and on-topic. Do not always force your topics on others. We know you are dying to participate, but do not try to make some forced changes in a topic of a discussion.
2.Checking your phone: Technology has become a distraction for many and, of course, the phone is the worst offender. Entire youth generation has their heart and brain on their cell phones. It is an extension of you; it is your life; you could not live without it. We know. But be aware of this conversation etiquette mistake. No matter how important the text, the e-mail may be checking your phone during a conversation is one of the most insulting gestures. In some countries, the “phone check” is punishable by death. Do not make this mistake.
3.Not knowing your audience: now your audience. Certain people require a certain type of conversation. Your boss sees the PG version, your friends see the R version and, if you are lucky, you have the occasional X-rated with the spouse. But no matter what, you should always be tailoring the act for the audience. Before kicking a conversation try to build a relationship with an audience.
4.One-upmanship: It is not only a conversation etiquette mistake, but an irritate habit too. Even if you feel the urge to vocalize your greatness in comparison to others, do your best to suppress this competitive edge. Conversation is not a competition. It is just a talk on a particular topic that can be done gently. You do not have to one-up the other person’s story, their good news, their time to shine in the conversation spotlight. You will have yours — don’t worry.

5.Talking from your seat: Time and time again you will be at a restaurant, and that friendly acquaintance will come by for the standard greeting. Often, like a lazy person, you will simply remain seated while the servant-like acquaintance asks about the family. It is really awkward, it is rude and it can be easily avoided. Just get up. Stand from your seat, shake a hand, pat the back, and ask where little sister is applying to college. God, these kids grow up fast. But seriously, stand up. At least show some respect. Initiate a conversation.
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6.Cursing: Who does not love a four-letter word? We all do. But conversations are normally a subjective thing you cannot limit it. The occasional use of profanity is certainly acceptable in the right situation. You may want to enhance a story, bring back the audience or give an accurate description of the guy at the DMV — go ahead, but be aware of this conversation etiquette mistake. Being too heavy with swearing is always a mistake when it comes to conversation. A conversation should be always accurate and logical.
7.Looking over their shoulder: Nothing is more disrespectful than your eyes drifting off over the shoulder of your speaking companion as if looking for a better option. It looks that you are least interested in conversing with a person. We know it is tough to stay engaged throughout the whole conversation. Maybe you do not have much of an interest in your coworker’s medical worries and the effects of lupus. But hang in there and show some respect. Or just end the conversation but in a decent way.
8.Not introducing the participants: It is a pretty tasteless move to let your companion sit idle in a conversation without the correct introduction. Conversation is not only about you. It’s about two people. Although it is many times remedied with an “Oh, I’m sorry, this is…” the repeated offense is inexcusable. If it’s a friend who does not get the introduction it is extremely unfortunate. And if it is a boyfriend or girlfriend, nothing says “This won’t last more than six months” than letting him or her stand silent, awkwardly smiling.
9.Monopolizing the conversation: Contrary to popular belief, it is not enjoyable to hear one person rant through an entirely one-sided conversation. You have to pass the mike — even if you have zero respect for what might be heard on the other side. Do not monopolize the conversation it is one of the most common conversation mistakes. It is a painful practice for all involved. Do not monopolize the conversation ever.
10.Interrupting: So most basic conversation etiquette mistake, committed by everybody at one time or another. It is unbearable for the one getting cut off and it shows the interrupter truly has no interest in hearing what the other party has to say. The easiest way to avoid it is simple: just listen. Do not withdraw from the conversation. And make them realize that interrupting us not a conversation.
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