Honey Side Up

Hey! Did you know that honey also works as a beauty enhancer apart from its usual health benefits? Well then, One World News brings to you some natural tips to enrich and maintain your beauty with this amber coloured fluid.
Bid-adieu to dark circles: Dark circles are like every girl’s biggest concern. So, the moment they start appearing, the girls freak out. But better late than never, one can always use honey to run-in these up-and-coming dark circles. Just take a spoonful of raw honey, apply it to the under eye and rinse after 20 minutes. Practise this twice a week and you will see your dark circles fading away.
Removes Facial Hair: Getting rid of your facial hair by threading or waxing, can really be painful. Moreover, people who have sensitive skin can even get pimples or rashes on the face. So, we have for you a recipe that relives you of such pain. Mix one table spoon honey with half a table spoon of ground oatmeal, now add a few drops of fresh lime juice to it as well. Apply this mask to your face and rinse after, leaving it for about 15 minutes. Repeat this procedure for 2-3 times a week, within a month or so, you will notice the decline in the density of facial hair.
Make it your nail conditioner: Annoyed or worried about your nails quality? Then you should know that the remedy to it is right there, on the shelf of your kitchen. Yes! We are talking about Honey. It works amazingly well as a nail conditioner and also helps your nails grow and strengthen up; it softens the cuticles as well. Mix a table spoon of honey with apple cider vinegar. Apply it to the nails and cuticles and keep it for 10-15 minutes, before washing it off.
Works as lip guard: If you want soft and luscious lips then all you got to do is; mix 1 table spoon honey with brown sugar in equal proportion, now add a few drops of lemon juice to it and the paste is ready. Apply this mixture on your lips and keep it there for the next 5 minutes. As soon as you wash it off, the changes will amaze you.
Switch it as a hair conditioner: Who does not wish to have smooth, shining and thick hair? These three characteristics of your hair make you look smart and confident. Honey is a good conditioner for hair, what you need to do is, mix it with 2 table spoons of extra virgin olive oil and gently massage it to your scalp. Wash your hair in about 20-30 minutes and feel the difference.
Honey combats pimples: Can you be in love with pimples? Of course not! The moment you see one on your face, you instantly want to get rid of it. Honey, because of having its anti-bacterial property, can aid you to get those pimples off your face. All you got to do is, apply raw honey on the affected areas and rinse your face within 10-15 minutes of keeping it. Practising this routine for about 2-3 weeks, will result in great improvement.
Photo Courtesy : http://www.baroness.co/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/honey_mask.jpg
Photo Courtesy : http://www.alkauthar.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/honey.jpg
Photo Courtesy : http://www.buzzle.com/img/articleImages/466279-35418-21.jpg
Photo Courtesy : livinggreenmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/honey-mask.jpg
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