Homeopathy VS Allopathy: 7 Interesting Things you need to know

Homeopathy VS Allopathy: Few things you need to know
- Benefits of Homeopathy
- Homeopathy VS Allopathy which one is better?
- The Growing Demand of Homeopathy
Homeopathy VS Allopathy, here are few things you need to know. Homeopathic is a natural form of medicine used by over 200 million people worldwide to treat both acute and chronic conditions. It is based on the principle of ‘like cure like’. Homeopathy means each person is treated as a unique individual and their body, mind, spirit, and emotion are all considered in the management and prevention of disease. Homeopathic medicine are safe to use as they rarely cause side effects. On the other hand, Allopathy is a method of treating disease with the remedies which can cause different effects from those caused by the disease itself.

Homeopathy has been integrated into the healthcare system of many European countries including France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Italy.
Interestingly, in India homeopathy is one of the most popular forms of medicine today there are over 200,000 registered homeopathic practitioners, 215 homeopathic hospitals and 7,000 homeopathic dispensaries.
Homeopathy enjoys a high level of support from politicians. In 2007, 206 Mp’s signed and early day motion welcoming the contribution of homeopathic to NHS[national health service] healthcare.
Who all have taken Homeopathic Treatment?
• Charles Darwin [was an English Naturalist and Geologist]
• David Beckham [is an English former Professional Footballer]
• Mahatma Gandhi [was the prominent leader of the Indian Independence movement)
• Dr. Charles Menninger [Founder of the famous Menninger clinic] to name just a few, have spoken in support of homeopathy.
Other modern-day famous people who have publicly declared their interest in, and support for homeopathic medicine include Samiksha Bhatnagar, Garima Jain, Rishina Kandhari, Mrunal jain, Paul McCarteny, Usain Bolt, Jennifer Aniston, Prince Charles, Cher, Kim Cattrull, Tina Turner.

Homeopathy treats all symptoms experienced by a patient
Homeopathic does not view an illness as just a collection of symptoms, but rather a reaction to a unique patient’s situation. Homeopathy treats all symptoms experienced by a patient including those that are Spiritual, Emotional, Mental and Physical.
Natural products are used
Homeopathic remedies are not made using man-made drugs or chemicals, but rather made from things found in nature like trace minerals and herbs.
Helps in treating allergies and asthma
The correct remedy can avert an acute crisis, while ongoing treatment will work to clear the condition completely.
Help to reduce anxiety and depression
Many people with anxiety and depression experience problems like insomnia or trouble sleeping, fatigue, muscles aches, headaches and digestive all symptoms associated with mental disorders both physical and emotional which can help a patient recover faster.
Help control pain
People suffering from chronic pain can benefit from homeopathic treatments, without the need for risky procedures or medications.
An allopathic doctor comes and treats cholera patients, and give them his medicines. The homeopathic doctor comes and give his medicines and cure perhaps more than the Allopath does because the homoeopath does not disturb the patients, but allows the nature to deal with them.
If you hate taking tablets as they come with an irritating and disgusting smell and leaves a bad taste for a long time, we recommend you to try homeopathic medicines which take more time as compares to allopathic medicines to show results but is natural and does not have any effects.
• Hypericum- used in nerve injuries, head injuries, skin problems, dental problems.
• Rhus tox- used in chicken pox, cold sore, pains, cough, sore muscles.
• Bryonia- used in dry cough, fever, arthritis, rheumatism, swollen joints.
• Euphrasia- used in allergy, conjunctivitis, cold.
• Lycopodium- used in liver damage, digestive disorder, constipation, pneumonia.
• Aconite- used in asthma, pneumonia, cold, fever.
• Graphites- used in cracked skin, irritated skin, nail fungus.
• Arsen alb- used in anxiety, asthma, cold diarrhea, eyes, flu, skin, sore throat.
• Hepar sulph- used in mental state, acne, cold hey, fever, cough, sore throat.
• Kali bichromicium- used in sinus, common cold, cough, diarrhea, urinary disorder.

So next time when you feel sick try these homeopathic medicine, rather than pushing your body towards the risk of major side effects by falling to allopathic medicines.
Note: We are not advocating anything. Everything should be done under the supervision of an expert.