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Healing Through Meditation: Reiki

Reiki is a spiritual practice, first developed by Japanese Buddhist Dr.MikaoUsui in 1922. He is also the pioneer of Reiki in India.

Reiki helps in healing a person, both physically and mentally. It works on all chronic and acute illness, including serious problems like heart diseases and cancer, skin problems, flu, fatigue, headache, back pain and so on. It also strengthens the immune system allowing the body to fight off illness easier. It also helps in overcoming depression, frustration, daily stress and so on.


The process involves healing a person through meditation, symbols, mantras, and through touch and heal method. It also involves distant healing wherein the healer sends Reiki energy through meditation and symbols. Unlike other meditation processes, Reiki does not involve any crystal or stone healing. Still, people practice this in various forms like Karunahealing and so on.

However, the basic school of Reiki which was developed by Dr.Mikao involved theuse of seven Chakras, namely:

Crown Chakra –Located at the top of the head, the chakra focusses on spiritual awareness

Third eye Chakra-Located at the forehead, it essentially develops a person’s inner vision

Throat Chakra-Located at the centre of the neck, the chakra stands for communication, creativity and sense of responsibility

Heart Chakra-Located at the mid-riff, the chakra plays an important role in a person’s emotions, love, compassion and peace and it is for spiritual development

Solar Plexus Chakra-It’s located above the navel and it is focussed on personal power, dominance, strength and fear.

Sacral Chakra-It’s located below the navel and it signifies a person’s physical and sexual health, self- esteem and relationships.

And, Root Chakra-It’s located at the base of the spine and it signifies life force, fertility and procreation.

These are seven major energy centres whichconsist of twenty four basic points in our body that is taken into consideration during the process of ‘Touch Healing’.


MamtaGautam who runs a Reiki Centre in Jharkhand says, “Since ‘Re’ is universally available and ‘iki’ is life force energy, it’s abundantly available in the universe. We just need to initate and open chakras to clear blockages in aura level so that a participant can receive this life force energy and channelize it. Moreover, Reiki has its own wisdom. She knows which part to heal first based on its priority”.

Reiki practitioners are categorised into three levels based on their level of expertise. At the first level, the energy is derived from the universe through meditation and practice on oneself consecutively for twenty-one days. In this level, no mantras are chanted.

The second level of Reiki inculcates breath-in and breath-out process, besides meditating. It is a step ahead of first level as it involves practicing on oneself and on others too. It also includes ‘Distance Reiki’ in which a person sitting in Mumbai can heal a person in Delhi.


The third level includes various symbols in addition with Distance Reiki. A person is transferred from one level to the other when he or she gains confidence enough to heal, taking into consideration the healer’s power to meditate, concentrate and focus on the person to be healed even if from a far-away distance.

The final level is the Master’s level where the healer besides practising, can also preach. Besides, certain Diplomas are also given depending upon the confidence level of the practitioner.

Usha Mishra, a third degree holder and who is practising Reiki in Jharkhand for the last ten years says, “In normal cases, three minutes of Reiki meditation is enough, but if the patient is in pain, meditation extends to ten minutes. And, in cases where a patient faints, the healer should stroke hands gently on the patient’s toe, this helps the patient in regaining consciousness”.


In India, healing a patient through Reiki is mostly popular in cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, and Jamshedpur and in the state of Orissa.

There are many distinguished Indian names in this field too like- ShyamalDubey and SarveshwarKhanna from Jharkhand, Sunil Kumar Gautam and MamtaGautam from Orissa.

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