Google and Uber in a coalition for Self driving cars

Google and Uber have joined hands and are a part of coalition. The coalition unveiled an unified US legal code as a part of broader lobbying drive on self driving in order to promote the technology.
Uber’s rival Lyft along with car makers Ford and Volvo found a team of five founding members of the Self Driving Coalition for Safety Streets.
David Strickland, former administrator of US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration was named as the counsel and spokesperson.
According to him, self driving vehicle technology will further make road less congested and safer for America.
Uber/ Company Logo, Google/ Company Logo
The effort will definitely reduce the chances of crashes as majority of which are made by human error, estimated US Department of Transportation
Last month, Google and Lyft and other automobile executives have asked the help of the lawmakers in order to build regulatory fast lane, to introduce the self driving cars.
Google highlighted that the self driving car project requires a consistent regulatory framework would help in activating these technologies but the US laws could limit the project.
Chris Urmson, who heads the Google self-driving car project, said a consistent regulatory framework is important to deploying those technologies, but the US conflicting laws can effect the innovations.