Good habits that you should learn to score good marks in your exams!

Here are few good habits that you inculcate to score good marks in your exams
Exams are very important part of student’s life. Scoring good marks always remains in one’s hand. Taking exams can lead to stress and anxiety. If you have not studied entire year then you will find yourself sleepy in each test, and you will surely study late in the night that can be a serious problem. Due to poor time management, students maximize their stress levels and minimize their productivity, and results.

Here, are few good habits for exams that you should inculcate during initial period of time. So that you can achieve as per your potential level.
1. Always purchase an extra notebook for each subject at the beginning of the year so that as you finish a chapter in class, you can immediately write notes and summaries in that book. Notes are really helpful. The classwork will still be fresh in your mind, so at exam time you merely have to take the notebook home from school. Write down the important points you learned from each lesson or you can even make flash cards. This helps your mind to retain the day’s important facts.
2. Don’t forget to do smart work guys. Record your notes on a digital voice recorder or another device, listen to them in your free time, listen to them carefully as you would an audio book, concentrate on the words and try to memorize them as you hear them. Researchers also found that listening to sounds during sleep enhance memory. So, you can record your lectures too but that doesn’t mean that you don’t pay attention in your class.

3. This is one of the important good habits that everyone should learn. Learn how to make mind maps, cluster maps, PowerPoint slideshows and other memory aids. Mind maps are graphical illustrations of a subject and a great memory tool to use, especially during exams.
4. Don’t always end yourself with the syllabus that is mentioned in your course books. As soon as you finish a topic, take out a book from the library and read more information about the subject. Look up questions you had and try to clear any confusion that you possibly had while learning the topic.
5. Also don’t forget to make timetable for exam days by marking the dates on a calendar, so you can be prepared by the time the test comes around.
6. Make a list of your classes and the topics covered in class. As you study a topic, mark it in a way that is meaningful to you, to remind you which topics have already been studied. This will make your learning more clear.
7. If you are studying for long hours then don’t forget to take a break. Break should be at least of 20 minutes.
8. Set up a study group. Group studies are beneficial. Study groups share notes, thoughts and ideas or how to solve or understand a particular problem.

9. Don’t compromise with your health. Get enough sleep at night. It’s harder to concentrate when you got less than six hours of sleep the night before. Aim for eight to ten hours of deep sleep to feel truly refreshed and ready for anything in the morning.
10. Make it a habit. Follow a daily timetable, on the first day it will be a challenge; second day it will become a practice and the third day it will become a habit.