“Home is where the heart is “Pliny, The Elder
Your house is your haven as well as your heaven. It is the place where you spend most of your time. You find solace at your house when you come back from a long tiring day. So, why not make this heaven more beautiful by adding life to your walls. This spring add a dash of surprise to your walls with a little help from us. Here are 7 ways to decorate your walls:
1- Wall Painting and wallpaper
A splash of color and loads of artistic blend can give life to your wall. Paint your wall and make it more beautiful. Need something less laborious? Why not try pasting wallpaper?
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2- Wall Collage

Fill your wall with a wonderful collage of your old memories or some random paintings. Collage gives your wall an urban touch and also leaves the viewer awestruck.Image Courtesy
3- Plates on wall

Collect the plates over time from big box stores, antique shops and thrift stores and hang them on your wall.
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4- Clock

Everyone hangs clocks on their wall to get hang of time, why not use clocks to make your walls beautiful and give them new look. There is a wide range of cocks available in the market that you can decorate on your walls.
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5- Mirrors on Wall

Use mirrors on your walls to make your room look bigger and brighter. They bring the room together. They’re like decorative windows you can move around and place as you like. Mirrors have several benefits and can reflect and emphasize views and colors from art and/or adjacent walls creating special effects. You can use different sized and shaped mirrors.
6- Wall hangings and quotes

Wall hangings are artistic ways to decorate your wall. Got a big wall behind your bed? Don’t worry, hang on a big wall painting or write a quote on it to make it beautiful and give new touch to boring wall.
7- Wooden wall

Wooden walls can add spiritual simplicity to that space behind the bed, the one we see every night right before we go to sleep, warm the living room.
So try these ideas and make your heaven beautiful.
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