Joyous News

Get Rid of Ugly Puffy Under Eyes

Have you woke up with puffy eyes on a day when you have to go out on a date with your guy, or on a day when you have absolutely busy schedule and meetings with important clients? We understand how sad scene this can be for you. Any woman takes immense care of her face but something would just not come with warnings. So here we are with tips on how to get rid of puffy under eyes-


Tea bags: Tea bags can help to sooth your puffy under eyes as it has anti-irritant property. Any sort of tea bags can be used, and it will also give relief from redness and inflammation. All you need to do is soak the tea bags in hot water for couple of minutes and let them cool down to normal temperature. After this step, lie down and place the tea bag over eye lids and cover them with soft cloth. After some time, you will notice that swelling around eyes has reduced.


Cucumber: The enzymes and astringent properties of cucumber help in reducing the inflammation. You need to cut cucumber into thick slices and place them in refrigerator for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, take those slices and place them on your closed eyes till it doesn’t get warm. Repeat this process several times a day and you will get rid of puffy under eyes. Also, this procedure will help you to reduce wrinkles.

Potato: This is the most common procedure and commonly advised by beauticians and even mothers. The starch of potato has anti-inflammatory property that helps in treating puffy eyes. Take a potato, peel it, wash and dry it. Now grate the potato and put them in a clean cloth and tie it up. Now place this cloth over eyelids for several minutes. If you repeat this process several times you will notice that under eyes puffiness is disappearing. This procedure also helps in treating headache.


Milk: Milk can also be used to reduce puffiness of under eyes. This is the easiest way to reduce the puffiness. The procedure is that you have to dip cotton pads in chilled milk and place them on your eye lids for 20-30 minutes. This will help to cool your eyes and to retain water in them.


Rose-water: Another way of reducing your eyes puffiness is to use rose water. You have to soak 2 cotton pads in rose water then wrap it with cling before putting them in refrigerator. Once chilled, remove the cling and place the cotton on your closed eyes. Within a couple of minutes the puffiness will disappear.


Apple: Apple consists of tannin which is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent which reduces puffiness under eyes. Cut apple into thick slices, refrigerate for couple of minutes and apply them on your eyes, this will give you results instantly.


So, we hope these methods will provide you help in future whenever you face problem of puffed under-eyes. But keep in mind that if any of these doesn’t work then you should visit concerned doctor and take correct treatment. Also, keep a check if you have any allergy before following any remedy because it might have side-effects.


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