Flawless Beauty

Are you obsessed with flawless skin? Have tried various methods to achieve it, but all in vain? Then One World News has for you something to look forward to.
Condition of the skin is the cover-page of a healthy lifestyle.Your skin speaks more of you, than the clothes you put on. A rough and torn out skin speaks bad about your personality, with you ending up being a laughing stock.
Asians are blessed with the most beautiful skin in this entire world, and in Asia, Koreans are the lucky ones to be born with the best skin texture.The cold climate there, may be cited as the prime reason behind their smooth skin, moreover the traditional beauty techniques which they follow are the icing on the cake. Koreans spend a great deal of time and money in nurturing their skin and are known to be very skin conscious.
All over the world people envy Korean beauties because of their looks and skin. Koreans believe in the natural ways of keeping the skin healthy, and avoid applying make-up. It’s every girl’s desire to get beautiful skin as the Koreans; now days, various Korean products are also available in the market with the demand increasing with every passing day. But Koreans, they only believe in natural steps to enhance their beauty.
Follow these simple steps to get the dream skin you want:
1. Keep Yourself Hydrated
Drinking lots of water is the main key to maintain the skin’s moisture and glow. A Korean’s day starts with a glass of water. Splashing your face with fresh water early in the morning also helps. Eat fruits, which have water content and enhance the skin quality.
2. Cleansing
Koreans have a unique method of cleaning their skin, they believe it produces better results. First clean your face with coconut oil for four minutes, followed by a foaming cleanser product for two minutes. You can also use coconut milk as a cleanser.For toning they use finger tips as it gives better results.
3. Face Pack
Korean face sheets which are infused with ingredients that were tried & tested by their ancestors are the most sought after skincare products today, all over the world. A routine of using two masks – a cleansing mask & a nourishing mask simultaneously once a week helps reduce the puffiness of the face. Using a mask made up of silkworm cocoon powder helps in achieving white skin. Besides this, homemade masks with egg white and honey mixture are everyone’s favorite.
4. Beauty Sleep
Beauty sleep is the most important contributing factor to keep you skin healthy and fresh. Take at least 6-8 hour sleep. Time intervals should be maintained though.
5. Facial Stretching exercise
Most concerning things for the Koreans is their ageing. Looking young is their main motive, they hate to look old.This is a common practice among Korean actors & actresses, where ‘Ma Me Mi Mo Mu’ is repeated 10 times for exercising their lip & cheek muscles. In addition to this, co-ordinated stretching of facial muscles with breathing is also recommended.
6. Less Make-Up
Make-up contains harmful chemicals so if you desire to get skin like the Koreans, it is advisable to avoid heavy make-up. The minimal it is, the better for your skin. So, now have with you the secrets from the Korean diary to stay young and beautiful. Try these and you will find the difference very soon, stay beautiful.
Photo Courtesy : http://jupiterimages.com
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