Five things to ask your Boyfriend to get to know the real him!

Knowing someone completely is bit difficult because this takes a lot of effort and as much we assume that we know someone very well, there are times when we realize that we need to learn a lot more about him or her.
Well, when it comes to knowing your bae completely, you should play little smart and despite of asking him direct questions to you can play a quiz to know the real him.
Here are five must questions that you should ask him:
- If you could change one thing about yourself , what would it be?
This will help you to know about his insecurity and probably you can help him to win over it
- What do you think is the most important thing in a relationship?
He might answer affection or communication but yes his answer will decide how good he will be at solving issues between both of you.
Boyfriend and Girlfriend
- Has anyone ever cheated on you?
This is the best way to know about his past and about his experiences
- Could ever forgive someone for cheating on you?
This will be the great follow up question and would reveal that what kind of a person he is
- Do you believe in a soul mate or that love is a choice?
It is important to know about other person’s feelings also. He might not believe in soul –mate concept but atleast if you will know it in advance it will not affect you