Evergreen Movie Onstage

Sitting in the beautiful lawn of the Foreign Correspondents’ Club in New Delhi, director Priyanka Pathak discusses her upcoming play ‘Arth’ based on Mahesh Bhatt’s 1982 movie.
The play which is based on women’s rights and choices was enacted on the occasion of International Women’s Day, 8th March in Shri Ram Centre, Mandi house.
The movie of three hours has been wonderfully performed in just an hour’s duration. “Since they are two different mediums, it was a complicated mess to deal with, yet we tried our best. It was a challenge as in play one has to show all the magical moments also. Besides, the songs are too iconic to even touch them,” says the director.
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However, music of other beautiful songs like, Mere Sapno ki rani kab aaegi tu, have been used as background in the fake appointment letter scene.
Though the theme and characters are same, the actors are young and so a new zest can be seen in them. Most of the famous dialogues and scene is there, followed by few new and fresh ideas. Few additional scenes and dialogues are there like Kavita Sanyal’s monologue and the advice in the ending by the maid which is given by Kavita’s mother in the movie.
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The character of Inder is strongly played by Imran Zahid; while Moon Moon Sen played the role of Pooja and Kavita Sanyal’s role was played by Padamshree. Also, Raj’s role was played by Rahul Dheer.
The play ends with Pooja’s legendary dialogue where she asks her husband if he would have accepted her had she done the same with him! The dialogue leaves Inder shocked and the audience spellbound!
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