Elixirs: The Magical Drinks

Elixirs: The Magical Drinks
Elixir was a name given to a drink used in the ancient times to cure diseases. They were believed to have magical properties. There were many drinks that have been prepared and consumed from ancient times, which were used in a number of ailments.
Even now some drinks, have curing and medicinal properties.
Here are some of those drinks:
1) Pomegranate Juice (Anarasīr): A drink of Persian and Afghan origin, this drink helps in lowering the blood pressure, helps in producing Hemoglobin, preventing heart attacks, breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer and leukemia. It also stimulates estrogen and serotonin receptors and helps in recovering from depression.
It is sometimes mixed with milk, and honey to accelerate the effects.
Jamun Drink, Source
2) Java Plum juice (Jamun Ras): Java plum or Jamun is a native of India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and the Philippines. The juice of its pulp and seed is often used to treat diseases like Diabetes, Heart attack and Blood pressure. It also helps in the treatment of cancer as it contains conventional anti-oxidants and some phytonutrients.
3) Fresh Coconut pineapple drink: Coconut and pineapple complement each other brilliantly, not just taste wise but in terms of health as well. Originated in the Caribbean, the drink has detoxicating affects. Fresh pineapple also contains an enzyme known as bromelin which is affective in alleviating arthritis, joint pain, inflammation, and tumor growth.
Pineapple coconut Drink, Source
It also helps in shortening the recovery time after Plastic surgery. Coconut magnifies the good health effects of Pineapple, when mixed. Coconut apart from hydrating your skin and body, helps in weight loss.
It also makes your skin glow and helps in reducing acne or blemishes. It is one of the most effective remedies to cure a hangover and also facilitates digestion.
4) English Mulled Wine: Mulled wine is generally consumed during Christmas or Halloween as a festive drink. When boiled with spices like cinnamon, lemon peel, oranges, cloves and star anise, and vanilla they become potent with effects that warm the body.
But what people don’t know, is that the health benefits of Mulled wine are significant.
It helps protect the heart, if taken in moderate amounts, increases metabolism which helps in digestion and generates heat, and keeps you warm. It also helps prevent strokes and blood clots and also helps in warding off some cancers like colon and prostate cancer.
Mulled Wine, Source
They also help in subduing period cramps and relaxes the pain. Mulled wine is also known to increase the levels of “good Cholesterol”. It has procyanidins which help in reducing the blood pressure.
Tip: Apart from Vanilla, adding a dash of molten dark chocolate would make it tastier!
Fennel Drink, Source
5) Fennel drink: Fennel was symbolic to strength and longevity. Ancient Greeks believed that fennel increase one’s courage.
It is can be made into one of the most refreshing and revitalizing drinks. One can prepare it by soaking fennel seeds in water for two hours, grinding them, mixing water with castor sugar and mixing the fennel paste in water and stirring. After that, we just have to strain it and serve.
Tip: You can also mix a hint of lemon juice, if you want some tang
Fennel is a brilliant antioxidant and has essential dietary fibers. It helps in the prevention of neurological diseases and helps fight Cancer. It also helps in curing hangovers and cholesterol absorption.