It is said that every treasure that you possess can be stolen or disappear once you share it but education is one of those treasures which multiplies if you share and is with you for life-long. It provides appropriate vision to live life and enlightens the path for self-actualization in everyone. Over the period of time, the meaning and the value of education has changed entirely. A country of legends, India has set a benchmark in every field whether it is the field of art, sports, literature or anything else. However, now the condition of Indian education has become poor.
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Education system of India is very rigid as it emphasizes more on the learning and not only on the understanding of the subject. It is more of a literacy drive than path of true learning. Rote learning still plagues our country system. That is why, students of our country have lack of ambition and confidence. Our country is flourished with talents, but because of a constant pressure of coming first in the so-called rat race, the talents go down the drain. The mind numbing competition and rote learning has not only crushed the creativity but also the originality of millions of students. It is high time that we start thinking about some important measures to reform our education system. Otherwise, we will always remain a developing nation and would not be able to compete with the developed nation. The concerned authority should realize that we are pushing our young talents into the path of darkness.
Over-loading the syllabus will not be the solution. Many universities and school are mushrooming in the country but they are not able to give quality education and prefer for quantity of syllabus over quality. Where on one hand, students are suffering from this, on the other hand, even teachers want to bring in changes to the education system. One World News talked to few senior teachers of St. Lawrence Public School and they shared their opinion regarding the same.
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Mr. Sanjay a senior mathematics teacher says, “Students have become crammers. They don’t want to understand things. Rather than enjoying their syllabus, they take it as a burden.”
“The growth and development of our education is quite poor. There is huge syllabus but then the standard of teaching is low” said Shashi Thakur, another senior teacher.
The scenario of the education field is pathetic, there is nothing new left to be explored. Children are just becoming bookworms to score good marks. The students now study just to pass and not to gain knowledge through it. Since 2010, many schools have opted to replace marks system with grading system and on top of that, they have abolished board exams too, leaving the students clueless about the board pattern.
Rohan of class 12th, who is unsatisfied about this change says, “Grading pattern should be abolished because it has just increased the burden. Moreover, we do not get any experience of board in 10th, so it is difficult to manage in 12th boards”.
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Another student Manisha who is pursuing her graduation in Mass Communication from National Broadcasting Academy says “Teaching pattern is very old and moreover, teachers are not even interested in our future. All they want is to complete the syllabus as soon as possible. How much we grab from it, is none of their business”.
Parents, on the other hand, also doubt on the learning process of their child. Neetu Srivastava, mother of a six year old says “My child hardly gets any time to play. She has so much of homework that she gets tired while completing it and till the time she does, it gets dark and late.” There are lots of unsolved issues in the Indian education system. Some changes are made but still the problem remains as the students are not able to polish their knowledge.
There are a lot of flaws and loop holes in our education system but a collective effort of government and civilians may help India to cope up with the pathetic situation of education. Government has been trying to make amendments in education sector, like recently they have introduced teaching on internet which is also known as ‘Educom’. The motive behind this step is to develop interest amongst students towards studies and respective subjects and also to introduce an innovative way of learning.
Arguing and planning is not enough but a proper implementation and execution of that plans is required to be taken-up by the concerned authorities. The authorities have to realize that the dreams of being a developed nation can only become true when the base, i.e. Education will be strong. Like a building without pillars is weak, same way a country without good education and educated people is weak. Without a right vision of education, we cannot imagine India as a developed nation.
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