Dr. Zakir Hussain Annual Lecture

Dr. Zakir Hussain Annual Lecture
Dr. Zakir Hussain played an important role in the freedom struggle of India. He held his own against all odds and helped India get is freedom. In the process he revived two universities and later transformed a library into a centre of research. Looking deeply in his contribution Zakir Hussain Memorial Trust organised Zakir Hussain Annual Lecture. Present at the held were Salman Khurshid, for cabinet minister, Justice Aftab Alam and Justice T.S. Thakur.
Salman Khurshid addressed the welcome note with special mentions for Justice Aftab Alam and Justice T.S. Thakur, both of whom have done tremendous work in their respective field and are admired for their dedication. He said that there could not have been a better person to talk about the efforts of Late President of India Zakir Hussain. The main topic for the day was Representation, inclusion and integration.
Justice Aftab Alam began by sharing an anecdote where once a deserted Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library, in Patna, was recognised as an institution of national importance and was made a national library. Dr. Zakir Hussain played a poignant role in establishing the library when he was appointed the governor of Patna. The result is that it has become a modern vibrant research library. He said that Dr. Zakir Hussain believed that everyone should remember their benefactor and those who don’t would eventually realise their mistake. For Justice Aftab Alam former President Dr. Zakir Hussain was an educationist. He said that two biggest achievements of Dr. Hussain’s were establishment of Jamia Milia Islamia and rehabilitation of the Aligarh Muslim University.
Jamia Milia was a product of freedom struggle. Mohammad Ali Jauhar along with Mahatma Gandhi persuaded the students of Aligarh National Muslim University to leave the University as it was funded by British Government and produced lackeys of the government. Some of the student took the persuasion and left the University with the idea of establishing a national Muslim university. Hakim Azmal Khan was appointed the chancellor for the yet to exist university. Dr. Zakir Hussain joined as a teacher and the classes started working from some rented houses and tents. The project met many hurdles and funding problems but Mahatma Gandhi was firm on the ground that it needs to run. Jamia would include the Muslims in the mainstream freedom struggle. Dr. Zakir Hussain came back from Germany, after completing his Ph. D. and dedicated his life to Jamia.
Aligarh Muslim University on the other hand struggled to remain a centre of excellence in an independent India. Partition took a toll on the university but Dr. Zakir Hussain made it a point to not let Aligarh Muslim University fade away. He took on the job of its Vice-chancellor and revived it from the very bottom.
Later in the years Dr. Zakir Hussain became the third President of India.
Picture Credits : Neel Kamal Pandey, One World News