Don’t want to get out of bed? Workout on Bed!
![Don’t want to get out of bed? Workout on Bed!](
Winter is a season of being lethargic, you know you have to start your day early, hit gym but nothing attracts you more than the bed. The warm cozy blanket could weave a magic just like any sexy woman or man you are sharing your bed with- you want to move out but you can’t. But keeping yourself in shape is important too! Because no matter what by the time you wake up on one fine day of summers you don’t want to flaunt your flab but sexy abs. So, we have some moves for you to tackle your laziness and be fit at same time, move you can use on bed:
Side Plank with Twist: This move is perfect for sides and hips. Lie on the right side and place your forearm in a way that your body weight is on shoulders but not anywhere else. Now keep in mind to keep your entire body in a straight line. With the help of your core, lift your body towards the ceiling and stretch your left arm straight up toward the ceiling. Without touching the bed, slowly lower your hips and raise it again taking it to the first position. Keep in mind to keep your core tight and twist from the waist as you bring your left arm down and underneath your body. To begin with, repeat the exercise for 30 seconds and as you get comfortable increase the time. As far as the repetition is considered, slow moves works the best way, so do as slow as possible. One set would complete when you do it on both the sides.
The Bicycle Crunch: It is the best way to tone up your abs and hips together. All you have to do is lie on the back, keep your hands behind your head and interlock your fingers and keep your feet in the air. Now lift your head up and touch your right elbow to the left knee while pulling your leg up towards your head and repeat the same with the left elbow and right knee. Perform this exercise at least 10 to 20 times each side and do three repetitions with 10 seconds breathing break.
Scissor Legs: For your lower abs and legs this is the most effective workout. Lie on your back with hands underneath your hips and your palms facing down. Raise your legs in the air with toes pointing towards the ceiling. Keep the legs as straight as possible and keep your core engaged as you low down your right leg towards the bed with control. Without touching down, bring your leg back up to starting position. Repeat on the opposite side to complete one rep and for 10-15 times each leg.
Plank: Plank works for your core, forearms and oblique. Lie on your chest and keep your forearm parallel to each other and the body straight. Lift your toes and lift your hips and balance your body on toes and forearms but keep in mind to keep your body straight and hold the posture with the help of your core. Breathe in and breathe out continuously and repeat the exercise for 30 seconds to 1 minute. You can begin with repeating the exercise for three times and then take up to five repetitions one minute each.
Sit Ups: Quicker way of strengthening your core is to do sit-ups. There are many variations in this exercise but to begin with start with the basic one. Have your keens bent and place heels flat on the ground. Now slowly and gently lift your head followed by your shoulder. Focus on the bent knees and contract your abdomen muscles while rising up. Pull up from the floor until you’re at a ninety-degree angle and hold the position for 5 seconds. After the hold, come back to the first position by getting the torso back to the floor but keep it slightly elevated off the ground, which means not to place your back completely on the floor but little arched. Do three sets of this posture with 10 to 15 times reps in each set.