Do you regularly fall sick?

You may blame it on changing weather outside, or you can even say it is just because of polluted air but falling sick frequently can be a sign of low immunity.
Low immunity can keep you every time on medication celebrex just because you don’t have enough stamina to fight against diseases.
So, what exactly immune system is?
It compromises of collective cells and tissues in human body. They work together to protect our body from any outside infection.
“Low immunity brings lot of health issues such as frequent cold and cough, fever or even it can make you more stressed”, says Dr. Shashank
What all are the symptoms of low immunity?
- Feeling lethargic: Do you feel exhausted most of the time either in morning or in the evening. If you are not able to do your day to day work then probably your internal health is responsible for it.
- Lose your temper easily: Yes, of course losing your temper easily and excess of anger can be due to your bad emotional health but do you know this can even happen if your immunity is not good.
Low immunity means low energy level that would hamper your work and this could make you feel more irritated. That would have direct effect on your behavior.
- Sugar Craving: If you eat so much of sweet and or if you have a major sweet craving then it could be a sign of low immunity. It weakens your immune as they kill white blood cells and can harm your ability to fight diseases.
What are the ways to strengthen your immunity?
- Get plenty of sleep and rest this would rejuvenate your body energy and you would be able to channelize your energy in a proper way.
- Try to take multivitamins in your diet. Ask your doctor to provide you a diet plan.
- Drink lot of water that would keep your body hydrated.
If you ignore your health it can be quiet dangerous for you as it is rightly said “Health is Wealth”. So, if you also suffer frequent illness consult your doctor today!