Do you really know the difference between E-commerce and E-business ?

Here is the difference between E-commerce and e-business
E-commerce and E-business are words which are generally used mutually, and sometimes are used to contrast one dealer’s product from another. But the words by themselves are distinct, and that distinction matters a lot to today’s firms.
Both in e-commerce and e-business, the ‘e’ determines “electronic networks” and constructs the function of electronic network technology which includes Internet and electronic data interchange (EDI) to improve and change the business development.
E-commerce v/s E-business
E-commerce and e-business both dwell radically higher payoff processes, as well as a technology based infrastructure of databases, application serfs, security engines, system executions and traditional systems.
Both of them associate the creation of new value chains between a firm and its customers and its suppliers, as well as within the firm itself.

All firms should have an e-commerce strategy. Primarily the electronic networks and the Internet are highly important for companies to ignore if they want to reach out to its customers, suppliers or the distribution partners.
But many firms need to move ahead beyond the e-commerce and e-business strategies, primarily the large companies that have already linked to EDI networks or have concluded major ERP exertions. These organizations have already derived some of the largest benefits from the e-commerce strategies.
They are also likely to go through the organizational pain as problems develop amidst their ERP, EDI, supply-chain administration and various e-commerce strategies.
And lastly, they have suitable background and knowledge in the electronic-network technology and after redesign and assimilation they have a gained chance of being fortunate in an e-business strategy.
Still, the allocation and constitutional obstruction in developing an e-business strategy are dreadful. It includes major and possibly disruptive constitutional change.
The risk of failure and residues from the limited fame are huge in an e-business strategy than in e-commerce strategy. Being the head of an e-business can afford a long-term success, but the stresses of field transformation can motivate near-term destruction.