Do you know Diabetic women are six times more vulnerable to heart attacks?

Diabetic women should be more careful during sexual intercourse
Diabetic women are six times more vulnerable to heart attacks and strokes, especially during sexual intercourse. A latest study reveals that birth control measures for diabetic women are safer than using hormonal conceptive.
The researchers have recently found that via usage of contraception measures like intrauterine devices (IUDs) and under-the-skin implants, diabetic women are prone to have less risk of strokes and heart attacks.
University of California’s Professor, Eleanor Bimla Schwarz said, “Clinicians need to get beyond the idea that birth control just means ‘the pill’. There are options that are safe and effective for all women, including those with diabetes.”

Apparently, even Physicians are unwilling to prescribe oral contraceptives, transdermal patches and vaginal rings due to the amount of estrogen present in such hormonal birth control measures. Estrogen increases the risk of thromboembolism which is another name for heart attacks, strokes and blood clots.
In the recent research, it was found that women using hormonal birth control measures increases the risk of stroke and heart attacks further by 2-4 times. When 150,000 diabetic women were examined to evaluate the occurrence of thromboembolism due to the usage of hormonal birth control the results were rather shocking.
The result of the research confirmed indeed hormonal birth control could increase the risk of strokes and heart attacks. On the other hand, the contraceptives like IUDs, and subdermal implants are least associated with the risks of thrombosis during your sexual ride.
The study clearly revealed that estrogen patches and progestin-only injections are highly associated with the risk of thromboembolism.
Professor Schwarz added by saying, “The next step is to understand the best ways to share this information with women who have diabetes and make sure they are consistently offered a full range of contraceptive options.”
The study thus clearly implies for diabetic women to consult a professional before using any kind of hormonal birth control.