Joyous News

Do Unto Others As…

Do Unto Others As You Would Have Others Do Unto You

The cause of most of our miseries in life is the diference between our Expectations, and delivery to us. So, we like all good people expect everyone to be nice to us, to do good things to us. Yet, in our own actions, be they minute, especially when we are not on our guard to be at our best, we do all sorts of things, which publically we would not admit to, thinking that since no one has seen them, we are fine, and can go on being holier than thou, and sanctimonius about others mistakes.

However, we are mistaken, because since we are all made up of the same ‘Creator Particle’, or the Creator Moment (see my previous article: LIVE IN THE CREATOR MOMENT IN THE MOMENT in, no action of ours goes un-noticed, not even the minutest thought, because, every thought is also an action. What is carried to the Universe is the energy of the action, and not necessarily the action itself. This energy is accepted by us as a doorway into our lives for action of such energy to enter into our lives. Sometimes the fruit of these actions is immediate, sometimes it takes its own sweet time.

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It is this time lag, which usually makes one complacent, and because the energy is being built up in the Universe, and no repercussions are being experienced (good or bad), one feels either morose (incase of ‘good’ actions going unrewarded), or invincible (in case of ‘bad’ actions going un punished). Yet, since the Universe always maintains equilibrium we get the fruits of our labour sooner or later, but we definitely get them.

When we dole out stuff to others, and to mother Earth, we forget that what ever we dole out comes back to us with compound interest, and because of the delay in receiving the rewards, we forget the Karmic Theory explained succinctly by Jesus in one sentence – ‘Do Unto Others as you would have others do unto you’.

If one remembers this simple sentence, and acts according to this (even in thoughts), then one would only take those actions which bring in happiness, because given this simple rule, would one like anyone to lust after or covet their loved ones, or even their material possessions?; Or, Would anyone want others to be rude to them? To cheat them? To do Evil things to them?

I would think the answer is a Resounding NO!

So why do we do nasty things to others (even in our thoughts), and when we get the fruits of our labour, we feel that the Universe is against us. Us who are so good.

So, to invite and live in experiences of Joy, simply Do Unto Others as you would have others do unto you.

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