Digital India

Digital India
Always we have dreamt of our country to be one of the best countries in the world with the high speed internet facility, tall sky scrapers, and rapid bullet trains and so on. With the new project of “Digital India” launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, we can say that now may be that day is not too far. On his latest meeting with press it got confirmed that ‘ACHHE DIN AANE WALE HAIN’ when Union cabinet passed the Digital India Project worth of INR 1 lakh crore.
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The dream program will be implemented from this year to 2018. Main purpose of this project is to make entire population connected to a high speed internet and to make everyone aware about the digital facilities. It not only promises to provide high speed internet in urban areas but main focus is to connect rural areas as well and to change the rural India into a digital one. All government services would be digitally transformed. The main scope of this program is to prepare India for a knowledgeable future.
This program is a follow up of already running Nation e-Governance plan. The main focused area under this program will be strengthening and providing facilities like broadband highways, everywhere mobile connectivity, e-kranti, e-governance, electronics manufacturing, information for all, IT jobs, public internet access program and early harvest program. High-speed internet as a core utility would be provided in all Gram Panchayats. Also, the services would be available in Indian languages.
Apart from this, government will restructure National Informatics Centre which deals with IT projects in government department. Government will appoint at least 10 key ministers to look after the various e-Governance project.
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In rural areas Common Service Center (CSC) will take care of the goods and services to be delivered. After connecting to the broadband, the entire village’s requirements can be placed through service centers and people will be able to use these service centers to meet their requirements. E-medical facilities would be just a call away and also through internet patients would also be able to connect to the doctors and the doctors will be able to diagnose and treat people without really reaching to that place. At schools also students will be able to take help from online available teachers, who would be experts in their fields.
“The program aims to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy,” Law and Justice Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said at a briefing after the meeting.
Other few important decisions also took place in the union cabinet meeting like:
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The Union Cabinet gave its approval to provide mobile service at two thousand one hundres ninety nine locations affected by Left Wing Extremism (LWE) in the States of Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. The project would be executed by BSNL.
An approval to Nagpur Metro Rail Project of approximately 38.21 Km length was given. The project shall be implemented by the Nagpur Metro Rail Corporation Ltd.
It’s not the first time that the public is given hope for a change towards betterment. At the time of elections, Politicians do make a lot of promises but they hardly stand on their words. Again a new ray of hope is coming through us and this time too, all we can hope is to wish for it to be true but at least this time we are getting the proof of pudding. Let’s watch if this new ray is the break of dawn or just a flash light which will soon turn off.
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