Meet a designer who has just designed eco-friendly sweat shirt which can last for 30 years. He is 24 year London based Thomas Cridland, who has been designing stunning, outfits for the last few years. Why he want to design such outfits that last for 3 decades? “I did some research and visited various garment shops and interacted with customers about their requirement. You will be surprised only 7 to 8 garments out of 100 they wear in next season. That means million tons of clothes are dumped in the bin at the worst,” Cridland said. According to him that takes a heavy toll on the environment.
Deisnger Thomas Cridland
Thomas Cridland is already darling of the celebrities. His self titled chinos are worn by Leonardo DiCaprio, Hugh Grant, Robbie Williams and Daniel Crag. About the idea of 30 year sweat shirt he said “People are willing to buy durable clothing because it saves money and time. After taking into consideration all those aspects I think of making durable outfits that last more than usual time and it also make people think how their clothing choices impact natural resources.
Deisnger Thomas Cridland’s collection
Unlike other designers Cridland specializes only in Chinos. “I wanted to do one thing at a time. Making chinos is my passion. I use luxury materials and never comprise with quality. I intend to give value for money.” He thinks cotton is the best fabric and he always use cotton resourced from Portugal and Briton for his product. His 30 year old T-shirt is made from cotton that is environment friendly. “Durable fashion benefits customers and the environment,”.
Deisnger Thomas Cridland’s collection
Regarding his clients, Cridland said like my trousers clients are pretty diverse. Most of his clients are from London but also he has some from Portugal and Germany. “Certain occasion I have to struggle to meet my client’s demands. To produce one trouser I take about 4 to 5 months, Musician Elton John is one of our celebrity client and we were the official sponsor for his last world tour.”
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