Dear Love, ‘I am Sorry’

Fights come naturally in love because love without fight is impossible.
But fights should remain fights it should become differences in a relationship. So it’s better to say sorry before it becomes too late.
So if you had a fight with her or him do not let your ego come in between just let it go and say sorry.
Just say it
Here are few ways to say to your dear love:
*Say it with a chocolate and hope for the further sweetness in your relationship
* Drop a WhatsApp or a text if you are not able to face them
* Send flowers and a sorry note with it
* Send a voice recording and say everything you want to convey
*Take them out , hold the hand and tell them that you can’t live without them
*Make love, the best way to say sorry. Just plant a kiss and melt their heart
But one thing you should keep mind saying sorry is not enough you need to feel it.