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Deadly virus Ebola is back in Liberia!

After two months, Ebola is back in Liberia and has affected three people. officials in the West African States are trying to make people calm.

Sorbor George, a health ministry spokesman said that, ” We are calling on the population not to panic because we have people capable of putting the situation under control.

Deadly virus Ebola is back in Liberia!


According to WHO, first case in the latest outbreak is in of 10 year old boy. Earlier, thousands of people lost their lives because of this deadly virus and at that time Liberia was declared Ebola free . But after six weeks once again this deadly virus is back.

According to a report of UN Health Agency last year Liberia has registered more than 10,600 cases and 4,808 deaths.

Hopethis time Liberia do something to save the lives.

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