Daler Mehndi to start soon ‘Sufi Sultan’

New Delhi: In a press event, Daler Mehndi has put forward his upcoming project, which is also his dream, called ‘Sufi Sultan’. Expected to start around May this year, Sufi Sultan is like any other reality show except that Daler Mehendi claims that the winner of the show will not get lost into oblivion like other reality show winners. Also to add a green touch all those who would audition for this show have to bring along a plant, and would have to plant it around their areas.
“My aim is to bring the culture of music that we have lost with time to earn money and to make upbringing of children better because somewhere songs with bad language are affecting our surroundings, our thoughts and so on. You just can’t listen to so many songs with your family, so my focus is to make songs that are family oriented.” says Daler Mehndi to One World News. Also, he adds that with this project not only he is taking a step of improving the music industry; he is also making the environment livable, by planting trees wherever they go.
On being asked which channel would the show be aired, he said he would be happy to get help from DD News, as it will help him to reach remote areas as well. The show will have no age limit criterion but any one from the age group of 13 years and above can audition for the show.
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