Cures For Hangover

Cures For Hangover
So it was a weekend, and you had some drinks yesterday. Today, you wake up feeling groggy and hung-over.
Now, there is nothing to worry about. You are in a hurry to attend your classes or your job. One reason for the Monday Morning Blues is being hung over. All you need to do are a few simple things to cure your grogginess.
1) Ginger and lemon tea: It’s simple. Just boil water and sugar, add some tea leaves and grated ginger. Strain it and put some lemon juice. If possible, put some ice-cubes in the hot tea. Trust me, it works wonders!
2) Fennel Drink: Coarse grind some fennel (Saunf) with some sugar and mix it in water and strain. If possible, mix it in cold water. In minutes, your giddiness would fly away.
3) Tomato Juice. One of the best remedies to cure a hangover.
4) Drink lots of water. The reason you feel hungover, is because of dehydration.
5) Go out for a run. Running helps you breathe more, which helps in filling your lungs, with oxygen.
6) Eating fruits, like oranges and lemon help too.
Things not to consume when hungover
There are also things that you should avoid; when you are hungover as some of them would increase the dizziness, while some are not good for your health.
1) Drinking coffee: Although coffee would give you the punch, but It also dehydrates your body. Hence, it’s advisable, not to have coffee.
2) Avoid fried or oily food. They increase the dizziness.
3) Don’t pop- in aspirin. It breaks your immunity. Hence, it’s always good to avoid it.
4) Avoid chocolates (Can’t believe, I’m saying this!)
5) Avoid smoking. Smoking too, dehydrates the system.
6) Avoid starch based foods like rice, potatoes etc.
7) The most important part. Avoid milk. Milk would bring back all the dizziness, however you can consume yogurt.
8) Try not to go to any noisy places. That would increase your headache.
All these things help in getting rid of your hangover but it also varies from person to person depending upon, what suits them the most. Hence, one should also check the availability of the ingredients.