
Drizzlin, one of the leading social media and content strategizing companies in Delhi, organized Crackathon on Saturday, in collaboration with Poets’ Collective, a poetry group in Delhi which believes in “Collecting the best and the most heartfelt of words into written and spoken impressions”.
Only this time, it was not about poetry. They had gathered to brainstorm; to think out loud and to create, while projecting your creativity at the same time. In short, it was an extempore, where wits, word-plays, sense-of-humor and anecdotes were flourished and distributed. The objective was to bring intellect and humour to the highest point possible. It was a place for logophiles and for people who love interesting stories squeezed out of life.
Gurpreet Singh Tikku, narrating his story
It started with introductions. There were people from all walks of life, from medical students, to mainstream corporates. It started with a discussion of ones quirks. There were many humorous and interesting quirks shared. Then came a specific topic; “A really funny and awkward incident about you and your phone”.
The stories were diverse; from dropping the phone in different places, to holding the phone all the time, while looking for it, everywhere. There was a nostalgic anecdote, shared by Gurpreet Singh Tikku, about how he had broken his father’s phone, and spent his entire piggy-bank savings to get it repaired.
Aaqib Raza Khan, With Mujeeb
Prateek Pandey, told us about the mishaps and experiences of him and his phone. One where his phone went down the drain, quite literally!
His second experience was quite funny yet scary at the same time. He told us about the time when he was roaming around the Tughlaqabad Fort and he encountered some muggers. They asked him how he was roaming around at the odd hour and they also enquired about his details. When they asked about his possessions, he replied, “Sab Moh Maya hai (Everything is the infatuation for or clinging to the illusory world of the senses)” They asked him not to be cheeky and turn the valuables he was carrying, resigned and scared, he turned down his phone. To his (and our) surprise, they asked him if he wanted his SIM card back! This left him surprised and happy, as “SIM card is more important than the phone, as it has all the contacts”. They returned his SIM card and left without saying a word.
Saumya Kulshreshtha, the host of the event
Tauseef Ahmed shared his experience about his life in the office, while Girish Sharma entertained us with some tickling and witty songs, which cracked the whole place up with laughter. Some of the other contributors which kept the atmosphere vibrant with laughter, were Atif Khan and Niyati Kochchar who shared an incident, where she stood on the phone for the whole time, while searching everywhere, while her amused boss was playing along with the situation.
There were other funny incidents where an individual was in a relationship with a person who shared the same name as her father. She had given the phone to one of her friends for some time, when her father called. Her friend saw the name and thought it was her boyfriend, she started talking to her father and when she realized her mistake, she was quite mortified.
People, listening intently
There were many such stories, which were shared by Neha Thureja, Sumedha Tulani, Atif Khan, Antara Dey, Mujeeb Khan, Aaqib Raza Khan, Rohit Negi, Vaibhav Raghuvanshi among others.
By the end of the event, everyone was all cracked up by the anecdotes. All of them concluded the session, by resolving, that they would meet often to share experiences like these.
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