Breast Cancer: Are you aware?

Breast Cancer: Are you aware?
Breast cancer is a fatal disease and it is difficult to treat if not diagnosed at an initial stage. But are you aware of the fact that 2 out 10 women suffer from breast cancer in India, and what is even more shocking is that 90% of women are not aware about its prevention and treatment?
According to a report of WHO in 2012, more than 70,000 women died in India just because of Breast cancer. It is most prevalent in U.K, but a large proportion of the Indian population is also affected by it. This can happen to both men and women but breast cancer is more common in Women.
If we talk about India, 25% women are affected by breast cancer. Also the country is witnessing a shift in the age group. Earlier, the age segment which was affected by breast cancer was from 50- 70 years but now it is diagnosed in early ages between 30 to 50 years.
Every disease has some myths associated with it so as with breast cancer some of them are as follows:
Wearing tight brasserie or using strong perfumes causes breast cancer.
It happens due to the drinking habits and smoking habits.
It cannot happen in a young age.
“Technically breast cancer cannot be called a disease rather it is condition that can affect anyone despite their age, health or status”, says Dr.Shashank Srivastava
To prevent it further it is first important to detect it at the initial stage and to do so it is important to be aware of its symptoms.
• The most common symptom is a hard knot or a lump in the breast and usually these lumps are painless and that is the main reason that women tend to ignore it.
• Nipples get retracted: The tumor below the nipple tends to pull it inwards that’s why it appears retracted.
• Blood stains discharged from nipples: Yellowish discharge is common from nipples but if discharge stains get red it is matter of concern.
For early detection,the screening of breasts is always important if you find any changes in the shape of your breasts, you should consult the doctor.
“Many women ask me that at what age screening should be done? According to me if you face any problem at any age you should consult experts but as an adviser, after 40 you can opt for screening”, says Dr. Shashank
Treatments for breast cancer are also available such as surgery, hormonal therapy, radiation or chemotherapy. But the most important is the will power of a lady.
There are inspiring survivors who fought with the disease and as a reward they got their life back.
One of them shared their experience with One World News:
25 year old,Kirti Sharma was a simple and fun loving girl like you and me but her life took a 360 turn when she was diagnosed by breast cancer in the year 2012.
“It was really shocking for me and for my family; actually we were not ready to accept the truth. Eventually I did accept it but then my life took a turn for the worse as I could not work anymore and had to leave my job”.
My confidence level went really lowand I lost my self-esteem, but one thing that helped me out during my treatment was my will power to live and to support of my family.
The bad days came to an end after 6 months and now I am fine, it has really ruined my physical condition, emotional condition and financial too, but I am happy that I am able to come out of it.
She said that it is really important to go for routine checkups.
Every disease can be treated or controlled with proper care and timely adjuration.
Be the fighter! And reclaim your life! Survive, is what Kirti wants to say to all women suffering from her ailment.