Bipolar Mood Disorder

Bipolar Mood Disorder
A type of mood disorder where the person faces episodes of depression and mania followed with phases of normal mood. Depression in simple terms covers a variety of negative moods and behavioural changes. Maniac people become euphoric or ‘high’ and become extremely active, talkative, and easily distractible. Earlier Bipolar disorder was known as manic-depressive disorders.
Just like most mental disorders, the exact cause for Bipolar disorder is not known. The causes can range from- genetics, situational factors, brain functioning and the release of neurotransmitters.
The major problem with the diagnosis of this disorder is that many times a patient or people around him or her do not realize that they are suffering from bipolar disorder. As depression and mania occur in episodes, they might think that they are suffering from any one of the disorder alone. Not only this, a person suffering from severe depression or mania might also have psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations or delusions. This can lead to misdiagnosis of the condition as schizophrenia. A person suffering from Bipolar has peaks of high and low in depression as well as mania. A person may also have mixed states when he or she feels depression and mania at the same time. Along with changes in mood there are also changes in sleeping pattern, energy and activities.
“I am eagerly waiting for my high phase to start. I have been in the depression sate for very long and it is not easy and I really want the high phase now.” – said a patient suffering from Bipolar disorder.
Many times it happens that the medications may not work entirely because of other situational factors. In such cases, it is important that the patient take care of themselves and also seek counselling and develop self help strategies to beat depression.
The manic state can be very dangerous for patients as well. For older patients, the risk of getting a heart attack during the mania phase becomes a very concerning issue. During this phase, people tend to do things they would have never done when sane. A patient in the mania state once bought a car worth 12Lakhs without asking his family members about it.
The highest risk of suicide is that in Bipolar disorder. It is essential that the people around the person provides with proper care and consult a psychiatrist and counsellor as soon as they see the slightest symptom of this disorder.