Benefits of drinking lemon tea

Many people start their day with a cup of tea but what if your cup of tea gets transformed into a cup of benefits for your health?
For sure everyone would love it. Who doesn’t want a healthy morning start?
Here are some benefits of lemon tea which make it a must for you to start your day with it:
• Lemon tea helps to replace fluids that are continually lost by our body and provide hydration.
• Helps the liver ad kidneys in their cleaning job, it helps to produce the acids needed for digestion.
• Lemon is a natural diuretic.
• Helps in making the skin clear.
• Boosts the immune system.
• Balances the pH level.
• Freshens breath.
• Aids in weight loss.
How to make it?
Squeeze a couple of tea spoons of fresh lemon/lime juice in a cup/glass of medium hot water. Stir.
It is ready to drink.