Beautiful Bamboo Crafts

Have you ever imagined what all could be made out of a simple bamboo plant? Read on to get an insight on the art of bamboo handicrafts by AvalokitaPandey from ‘One World News’ who interacted with the artists about how they make bamboo items with different parts of the plant.
From trendy bamboo earrings to lampshades to wall hanging, they can decorate your house with different styles of bamboo work. Moreover, hardly any of their work involves any use of a machine. You’ll be awestruck to find minute work on earrings and beautiful small knick-knacks, which are hand-made.
The art of bamboo falls under the Department of Cottage and Small Scale Industry of Nepal. These handicraft workers from Nepal were recently in New Delhi for an exhibition. A teenage girl namely, Abhipsa and her mother are associated with bamboo craft for years now. Abhipsa says, “First we collect different species of bamboo, cut it, extract its inner part, use boric acid and dip it into water overnight to make it soft, which thus becomes easier to mould. And, by just weaving that soft material into different pattern, a mobile pouch or a purse can be made.”
“No part of the bamboo plant goes wasted,” says Abhipsa’s mother. “While with the inner parts, we can make purse or a bamboo bag,the outer part of the bamboo is used to make a fan, as it is hard. And, with the middle part, lamps could be made,” she continued.
Not only this, several other items are made by them like bracelets, fruit baskets, bookmark, pen holders, and so on. Abhipsa says, “We have twelve to thirteen workers under us but as they are not much experienced, these earrings are made only by me or my mother. The ear rings are made, and dipped into fevicol before attaching to metal.”
Outside their shops, beautiful and colourful shawls were hanging. And to the amazement of the visitors, these shawls too were made out of bamboo! “The bamboo shawls are made out of the viscous part of the bamboo, while its material is extracted from the hollow part. Then, the viscous part is converted into fibre in a machine imported from China, and weaved into the final product,” describes Abhipsa.
They specialize in production of various bamboo crafts which is elegant, artistic and affordable. On being asked how much profit they make, Abhipsa replies, “In one day, we produce 50 bags which we sell in 100 each, so we earn 5000 ₹ just from bags. Besides, there are other products too. So, though small, we make enough profit to run our industry smoothly.”
They run a small industry in Nepal called ‘Miracle Bamboo Craft’ which aims at providing employment opportunities for underprivileged and disadvantaged and also encourage plantation of bamboo.
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