Be The Reflection..

Be The Reflection You Want To See
Our lives are made up of the sum total of our experiences.
Like a blue sky with some clouds, the sun and a beautiful rainbow, our life also has experiences of many hues. Some brighten our lives like the sun, while others give us joy like a rainbow, while others temporarily cloud us in darkness.
Common thought process says that to appreciate the sweet, one must experinece the bitter, to experience joy, one must know sadness, and so on. These common (mis)conceptions cloud our judgements, and we instinctively invite the whole gamut of experiences and people in our lives.
What happens is that different sections of our brain and psychic centers collaborate with each other to help play out our life scripts. We carry our life programs with our souls and DNA – which we inherit from our parents and ancestors. These in turn instruct our brain and chakras (the energy centers along our spine) to send out certain vibratory signals to the Universe – our friend (see my previous article Dharma and others on www.OneWorldNews.Com for more), which then sends us such experiences and people into our lives.
These may bring us pleasure or it’s opposite. However, when the opposite happnes, we usually blame our fate, and the Universe, and not ourselves.
Now that we know that every thing in our lives emenates from us, all we have to do is change it. By changing our thought processes, and ‘Uninviting’ these experiences, we change our paradigm, and start inviting experiences which are more synchronistic with our desires.
So go ahead…change your Universe, be the Reflection you want to see.