Be Expresso! Week of love is here!

February,’The Month of Love’: How to make it special?
So, all the couples who are much in love Valentine week has already started and this is the best month to express your love to one and only. Valentine’s Day is celebrated as the day of love every year on February 14th. It is a day when people tell their loved ones – boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives, friends, and family – how much they love them. Yes, please clear your mind this day remarks expressing love that you can express for your family, sister, brother too! While Valentine’s Day itself is celebrated with chocolates, candies, flowers and heart-shaped gifts, the week leading up to it is also celebrated as the week of love.

It is a time when love is definitely in the air. People celebrate Valentine’s Week by marking each day with a special significance. Starting on February 7 with Rose Day, Valentine’s Week finally ends on February 14, with Valentine’s Day. So, here we have come up with different days and their significance! It will definitely help you to start your week of love with enthusiasm!
1. Rose Day(All about refreshing your love with some refreshing flowers)
What a better way to express your love than with roses? Well, you would have definitely come across a phrase called “Old is Gold”. So, this is an old idea but gifting Rose to your bae can fulfill your life with love. On Rose Day, people give roses to their loved ones as a symbol of their love. While red roses are traditionally associated with romance, yellow roses are given to friends. So, giving a number of roses can actually reveal your intentions:
1 Rose(love at first sight)
2 Roses (mutual feelings)
3 Roses (I love you)
6 Roses (I miss you)
9 Roses (Together as long as we live)
10 Roses (You are pretty)
13 Roses (Forever Friends)
20 Roses (I am serious about you)
21 Roses (I am committed to you)
36 Roses ( I will remember our romantic moments)
100 Roses ( I am totally devoted to you)
2. Propose Day( Confessing your deepest feeling)
What a better day to tell your crush how much you like them? Just go tell them. Propose Day – the second day of Valentine Week – is the day when people express their feelings for their loved ones. There are a lot of ways to tell your loved one about your feelings!
1. Public Marriage proposal: Show how daring are you. Go and propose him or her in front of everyone.
2. Propose at home: Decorate the house with full of flowers and light and then confess your love.
3. Never propose over the phone.
4. If your partner is a big foodie then propose him or her with Pizza. Because nobody can say ‘no’ to it.
3. Chocolate Day
As the name suggests, the third day of the week leading up to the festival of love is dedicated to chocolates. Chocolates and candies are age-old gifts for first dates, anniversaries, weddings and more. So this Friday, let your loved ones know how much you care for them with chocolates. Just try to know what kind of chocolates your partner love to eat. Select the flavor accordingly. If in case, your partner doesn’t like eating chocolate than bake a cake.
4. Teddy Day
Teddy bear is the cutest way to let you’re significant other know how much they mean to you! Gift them one this Saturday and see the huge smile on their face. It is not compulsory to gift a teddy only you can try something innovative as well. You can gift them laughing Buddha or some sort of painting that signifies peace and harmony.
5. Promise Day ( Making long-lasting commitments)
The day you make meaningful promises to your loved ones. Always keep this in your mind whatever promise you make you sincerely follow it as well. Fake promises can ruin your relationship. Here, are few promises you can make to your loved one:
1.When you are in trouble, rely on me.
2. I will always be there for you.
3. I will always keep a smile on your face.
4. I will always trust you.
5. I will respect you.
Also Read: Don’t Allow Money To Destroy Your Love Relationship!

6. Hug Day ( All about Jadoo ki Jhappi)
Sometimes a hug can say a lot. Go ahead and make sure you hug your friends, parents and loved ones this February 12. One warm hug can de-stress you. So, hug and spread love everywhere.
7. Kiss Day
The day just before Valentine’s Day is celebrated as Kiss Day. A kiss represents love, affection, and respect. If your partner is comfortable then engage in a compassionate kiss otherwise give time. Kiss is the sweetest gesture in a relationship.
8. Valentine’s Day (Day of love)
The most-awaited day of February! Valentine’s Day is celebrated in honor of Saint Valentine, a 3rd-century Roman saint associated with courtly love. Valentine’s Day is dedicated to love and romance. This year, it will fall on a Wednesday. Just express your love and let know others how much you love them.
We wish you and your loved ones a Happy Valentine’s Day!