Joyous News

Apple’s Iphone hammers GoPro

GoPro Hero a camera which proved a game changer. Offering a 4k resolution, the camera revolutionised the sports and extreme sports filming activities.

Apple’s Iphone hammers GoPro


This made GoPro a darling of the bourses. Soon competition came in from other followers into this newly created space. Most notably from the computing behemoth Apple with the upgrade of the camera on the latest Iphone

Apple’s Iphone hammers GoPro


Offering more than it’s fair share of competition, GoPro sales have been adversely affected by this invasion of it’s turf, and stock markets have reacted in kind by going bearish on GoPro stock prices.

This looks like one battle where Goliath wins over David, i.e., unless GoPro has some trick up it’s sleeve.

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